Sick day!!

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It was 3:30 in the morning when Carlos woke up to the sound of puking coming from the bathroom room, not thinking much of it in his half asleep state he turned over in bed expecting to find TK but instead was met with the coldness of the sheets,finally registering what was happening be pulled the covers off and made his way to the bathroom.

"TK?" Carlos asked as he tried to open the bathroom door only to find it locked "can you open the door for me love?"

"No" came TK's muffled response through the door.

"Please TK" Carlos begged as he knocked on the door again.

"Can't" TK whined.

"Yes you can love please?" carlos asked again.

"M' tired" TK said drowsily.

"I know baby but you've got to let me in so I can help you" carlos said in a caring tone.

"I don't need he-" TK was cut off with another round of puking.

After puking his guts out for the third time he ruffled up enough strength to get up and walk over to the bathroom door to unlock it.

After not hearing anything for a minute Carlos was surprised to see the bathroom door open to reveal a very pale and miserable looking TK.

"Oh baby" Carlos said sympathetically as he pulled TK into a comforting hug.

"I don't feel good" TK sobbed into Carlos' shoulder.

"I know mi amor I know" Carlos said as he stroked a hand up and down TK's back,Carlos was just about to ask if TK wanted to go lay down in bed and cuddle when TK pulled away abruptly and made a be-line for the toilet to throw up again.

"Well that answers that question" Carlos mutters under his breath as he makes his way over to TK where he has thrown himself over toilet.

TK whimpers as he lifts his head out of the toilet bowl to rest it in Carlos' lap.

"Want me to get you some water cariño?"Carlos asks as he twirls his fingers in TK's sweaty hair.

"No don't leave me" TK protests as he clings on to Carlos' upper half.

"cariño you need to stay hydrated or you could end up in the hospital my love."

"M' tired" TK slurs as he closes his eyes.

"I know my love but you need some water in you and you can't sleep on the bathroom floor cariño."

"Ok" TK reply's weakly

Carlos lifts TK up off the floor and carries him back to there bedroom

Once back in the room he places TK gently on the bed and goes to grab TK a fresh shirt out the drawer.

"Ok my love I'm going to help you put this on can you lift your arms up for me?"

"Mhm" TK says half asleep and not fully aware of what's happening

After Carlos gets the shirt on TK he helps TK lay down and tucks him into the blankets

"I'll be right back I'm going to get you some water ok?"


Carlos leaves the room and makes his way to the kitchen and grabs a cup out of the cabinet and fills it with water after filling it he makes his way back into the bedroom

Once back in the bedroom he finds TK curled up under all the blankets seeing how comfortable he looks Carlos feels bad for having to take him out of his little cocoon.

"Ok cariño here's some water" Carlos gently pulls back the covers to reveal a very miserable looking TK.

"Mmm no take blankets" TK mutters as he pull the blankets back over his head.

"Come on TK you have to drink some water you can't get dehydrated,I thought you were the paramedic you should know you have to stay hydrated."

"I am" TK grumbles back as he comes out from under the mountain of blankets he was hidden under and takes the cup from Carlos.

"That's it small sips cariño" Carlos says has he rubs TK's cheek

After TK is done with the water he puts the cup on the night stand and pats the spot the the bed next to him

"Cuddle" he says well looking up at Carlos with his best Carlos cow eyes impression

"Ok my love"

Carlos hops into the bed next to TK and as soon as he gets comfortable he opens his arms for TK and he wastes no time cuddling up with Carlos head on his chest.

"I love you cariño sweet dreams" Carlos says well running his fingers through TK's hair.

"Love you too" TK mutters as his eyes flutter closed and his breaths even out.

Hii everyone this is my first time writing a fanfic so I'm sorry if it's not great lmk ways I can improve and lmk some more one shot ideas!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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