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"THESE WOODS ARE MY REFUGE, my sanctuary. Here, amidst the towering trees and the fragrant wildflowers, I can find solace. I feel that i can truly be myself" Lenora wrote in the tiny little book that she was holding.

She sat on a moss-covered rock deep within the dense forest, the gentle rustling of leaves overhead and the distant chirping of birds providing her with the only company she truly desired. In her lap lay a small, weathered book, its pages filled with the secrets and musings of her heart.

She dipped her quill into the inkwell and began to write, her hand moving gracefully across the paper as her thoughts flowed freely. The forest, her solace, seemed to absorb her words like an ancient confidant.

Lenora's thoughts turned to her brother Asgeir, the rugged and skilled blacksmith with whom she shared their small cottage on the edge of the forest. Asgeir was a sturdy man, a master of his craft, and a pillar of strength in her life. She often found herself grateful for her brother's presence. Especially since their parents had passed due to a attack from the Danes when they were only children.

She continued to write, her quill scratching across the paper.

"With every passing day, the weight of the world seems to press harder on my shoulders. I cannot lie when i say that it has been a tumultuous time. My heart aches for Asgeir, who toils tirelessly as a blacksmith to supply armor and weapons to anyone who stumble across our home. He is the only family I have left, and I am forever grateful for his steadfast presence in my life. Even when at times he can be cold." She continued.

But as her thoughts flowed, they inevitably drifted to Hamund, her fiancé, a brave man who had lived in Wessex. He had claimed that he was training to be a warrior. She rarely saw him, and when she did, it was often brief and strained. Yet the brief and strained meetings had happened months after he had proposed to her. Lenora sighed as she began to write about her lover.

"But, my beloved Hamund has been absent more often than not. The rare moments we share together are filled with longing and brief stolen kisses. I find myself questioning the strength of our bond. His behavior has changed since he claimed to train to be a warrior, becoming more distant and guarded. I fear he carries a heavy burden that he cannot share with me." She continued to write.

"This Morning, as I sit beneath the ancient oaks, I wonder if our love is enough to withstand the challenges that life has thrown at us. In times like these, when uncertainty surrounds us, I yearn for the reassurance of his presence. Is it wrong to question our love, to doubt whether he still cherishes me as he once did? I remember the day he proposed, beneath the same oak tree that shelters me now. His eyes were filled with such passion and tenderness, and I was certain that our love could conquer anything. But with each passing day, his heart seems to grow colder, his words more distant. Did something change? Did i do something to upset him? What was happening?"

Lenora slightly hesitated. Memories of her and Hamund had flooded her mind. From the first day he had came across their small cottage to their first supper. She cannot deny that she missed it. She closed her eyes for a couple of seconds before she opened her eyes to write.

"I long for the days when we were free to dream together, to plan our future as husband and wife. Now, those dreams feel like distant echoes in the wind, fading away with each passing day. I spoke to Asgeir about this. He believes that time apart has strained our relationship, that Hamund's absence has taken a toll on him as well. I sincerely hope he is right, and that one day, we can rekindle the flame that once burned so brightly between us. Until then, I will continue to seek solace in these woods, to pour my heart onto these pages, and to hold on to the hope that love can withstand even the harshest of trials."

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