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"why is this your reaction?" mona's eyebrows furrowed in confusion

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"why is this your reaction?" mona's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"nothing, nothing. i was just surprised that's all." you covered up whatever you yelled earlier, avoiding all the judging stares you received. the black haired decided to let you off the hook this time despite her suspicions, moving on to another topic.

their active conversation was interrupted by the sound of the loud ringing bell, signaling students to strictly return to their respective classrooms before the teacher arrives.

"i'll see you later (name)! i still have to run back to my building!!" she waved goodbye to you as she began to sprint towards the stem building.

'wait.. have i just realized that the stem building is next to my building?' i put my hand over my mouth from the sudden realization.

"mr. kreideprinz! may i know what brings you here at the humss building, hm?" a gruff voice from afar can be heard.

"apologies, sir. i was asked to borrow a few materials for our upcoming experiment this week. he smiled at the professor who called him out.

the man took a moment to think of his excuse before responding with, "i see. go on to your building now, before another teacher suspects you for suspicious activity!" the blonde nodded, bringing the "materials" that were needed for the classes' experiments.

what were those "materials"? oh, just a mere mechanical pencil from a specific brand and an acrylic paint set. doesn't the materials sound odd for an experiment.

well, originally, mr.kreideprinz or rather albedo, was seeking information more on the girl he met at the art competition.

was it a coincidence that both of you wanted to get to know each other indirectly? yes.


as soon as the bell rang, you rushed to see your beloved friend, amber. she was your class neighbor, like when classes end, you and her immediately meet up with each other.

her energetic charisma makes you feel content just by her presence. "(name)!! i miss you so much!!" amber embraced you tightly, forgetting the fact that she literally saw you a few hours ago.

"i miss you too! also by any chance, do you have any information regarding new art competitions? i've recently became motivated than before for whatever reason.."

"hmm.. i'm not sure yet, i'll have to check and give you an update through text probably. she sweatdropped, letting you go from the tight embrace you both shared.

"though, what made you so motivated?"

amber asked a question that left you deep and lost in your thoughts. what did make you motivated? was it purely because of your shared victory at the latest competition you've participated in.

"earth to (name)! heyy, (name)!!" your friend's voice starting to get annoyed by you being unresponsive to her question. "huh? oh sorry, hehe. i think i need more time to think about that, is that alright?"

"hm, okay. take as long as you need!" she went back to her usual smiling facade, being able to understand your reason yet so curious to know what's going on in that brain of yours.

you returned back with a smile on your face, before she spoke again, "have you heard of the new stem student who transferred here? he's quite attractive if you ask me!" she gushed, and continuously mumbling how he looked just by what others say.

"you're saying he looks attractive to you by just what others told you? not even taking a glimpse of his appearance? you're ridiculous." you deadpanned, crossing both of your arms together.

"blah, blah, blah, honestly.. i think you look goo—!" she was cut off by the loud ringing bell that shook other students in the hallway. "let's continue our little concersation later?" you gently grabbed her hands, caressing your thumb on her fingers.

"you bet!" amber beamed in excitement.


"i smell class suspensionn" the teacher hummed. some students who were working on a task by pairs whined at the teacher's remark. they knew that their school wouldn't suspend when it's heavily raining that hard.

your partner turned out to be eula, and oh it was extremely awkward. considering that she was one of your classmates who you least interact with. the only thing you two share in common is that you're both friends with amber.

"uhm, i'll make a document." you gave her a small smile, just about to create a new document before the blue haired spoke up. "no need, i made one already. i'll just share it with you."


"oh okay! i'll layout the poster." when it comes to groupworks, especially pair works, you would always take the initiative to be the person who creates the document and submits it after finishing.

so, when eula said that, you were feeling a mix of shock and relief. relief? because she took weight off your back from all your deadlines set today.

"thank you, eula." you genuinely thanked her for her kind action, whether if it was intentional or not. "my pleasure. and, why do you want to know about albedo?" she suddenly pressed a question onto you.

why do most of your friends know this guy? is he that famous than what you thought he would be?

"what the hell? who told you this? and keep your voice down!" you whispered to her, slight anger in your tone. she mentioned his name when other students nearby could eavesdrop.

"mmh, that's a story for another time. i think he has a little friend crush on you, based of what i've heard."

"based on what you've heard?" you repeated her words. it was unexpected to you that eula is quite involved in these things. "i'm serious. someone told him where your classroom is at."


"language!" the teacher yelled from across the room.

"language!" the teacher yelled from across the room

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SERENDIPITY; k. albedoWhere stories live. Discover now