Start of the end

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You got captured.

God fuckin dammit. Squirming against your restraints, you find them to be pleasantly loose.

Not loose enough to wiggle out of course, your capturer has no intentions of letting you escape. But it's obvious that your comfort was considered when he bound your arms with rope, which was quite nice of him.

Speaking of which, you glanced up at him. His face was concealed behind some sort of fabric so you couldn't see his expression. Based on the morale patch on his sleeve, he seemed to be Austrian.

He wasn't paying any mind to you, just leaning against one of the support beams of the dimly lit room you were in. His big hands seemed to be awkwardly fumbling with some sort of device. It appeared to be your radio that he'd taken from your uniform, you didn't even notice it was gone.

If you were being honest with yourself though,

Being stuck with him wasn't half bad. So far nothing much has happened. When you woke up to pitch black, you had feared the worst. Maybe you'd get tortured for information or brutally beaten or worse- raped.

But once your capturer had heard you rustling in the dark, he lit a lamp and calmed you down, assuring that he wasn't going to do anything to you unless you caused problems for him. So you stopped struggling and behaved, taking the time to recall what had happened.

No matter how hard you try, you can't seem to remember how you got here. The last thing you remember was scouting the terrain on what was meant to be an easy mission before a large gloved hand covered your face with a cloth that had some sort of sedative. Not that you were complaining, as far as being knocked out goes, inhaling a painless tranquiliser is probably the option you would have gone with anyway.

This wasn't the first time you'd gotten yourself into trouble like this. Although, on previous occasions, Ghost – or, Simon –- always managed to bail you out before things got ugly (you still weren't used to calling him by his real name, even after he had insisted multiple times).

Whether through violence or smooth talking his way into keeping the enemy satisfied with false intel, he'd get you back in the end, safe and sound.

Almost as if your stupidity had no repercussions, you were almost taking advantage of his little saviour complex at this point and had just begun getting yourself into deeper and deeper shit, intentionally or not. After all, the danger and risk factor had all but been lost after the umpteenth time this had happened. It was almost fun just seeing how far he'd go. You wonder if he has any limits to his borderline inhuman capabilities.

But this time was different. See, in the past, Simon was usually with you on these kinds of missions.

You were assigned to accompany him wherever he gets deployed. Your superiors seemed to recognize the great dynamic between you two on the field and the success rate of your two-man fire & manoeuvre tactic on missions.

Well. About that.

Ideally, the tactic involves you providing fire while concealed as he advances forward to take out the enemy.

In-practice it usually goes: you find cover and prepare yourself to fire while Simon uses that time to wipe out their entire force before you could even put your finger on the trigger. A very efficient team if you do say so yourself.

But he wasn't with you this time. This was a very simple task that even a team of rookies could handle, they just needed an on-field medic in case anything went wrong and you were the only available operator at the time.

So how the fuck did you get yourself into this situation, with a 6'10 behemoth of a man pacing beside you and uttering some foreign language you didn't understand?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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