father, have you lost your mind?!

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~~~~~~Hild ran around the village, with Uhtred's sword in the one hand and with Uhtred's dagger in the other hand! Uhtred told her, to wake up Sihtric, Akira and Gisela

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Hild ran around the village, with Uhtred's sword in the one hand and with Uhtred's dagger in the other hand! Uhtred told her, to wake up Sihtric, Akira and Gisela...and Hild did exactly that! Once Sihtric and Akira were awake, King Guthred's smile faded: Akira rammed her dagger into the table, her father now ate breakfast at! Sihtric stood closely behind Akira and watched as King Guthred grew anxious! He has never seen his daughter that angry...and he was sure, that this was only the beginning of her anger! Meanwhile: Uhtred and Halig were already on the way to the slave trader, they have been sold to and Gisela was currently packing all her belongings to flee from this place! Once Akira made her anger visible to her father, she told Sihtric to prepare the horses and wait for her at the stables! He nodded and disappeared...Akira then took a deep breath before she disappeared to find her aunt...

Akira:"Gisa?...(*Gisela turned around*)...what are you doing? They will find you and bring you back here!"
Gisela:(*she shook her head*)"Not if I go away with you, Akira!...(*Akira's eyes widened*)...leave this place with me, angel, and help me not to become the next victim of your father's stupidity!"
Akira:"And where should we go, Gisa?...(*Gisela shrugged her shoulders*)...I have already told Sihtric to get the horses ready, so our departure is safe for now!"
Gisela:(*she kissed Akira's forehead*)"You are truly an angel, Akira!...(*Akira slightly smiled*)...but where are Hild and Clapa?"
Akira:"On the way to Winchester!...(*Gisela tilted her head*)...they want to ask King Alfred for men to find Uhtred and bring him home!"

Right when Gisela wanted to say something, abbot Eadred and his men caught sight of her and Akira! When the two women heard their voices, they began to run! They ran towards the stables and met up with Sihtric there! Sihtric held the reins of all three horses and when he caught sight of Akira and Gisela, he slightly smiled! When Akira and Gisela reached him, Akira told him to get on his horse and to get ready to fight, if necessary! Sihtric nodded, got on his horse and drew his axe! Then Akira helped Gisela to get on her horse, before she climbed on her own horse! After a little while, the three of them rode off and luckily they didn't have to fight any of the men! Meanwhile: Uhtred and Halig were brought on a ship and there they met a man named Finan! Uhtred and him immediately formed a strong bond and together they hoped, that they would soon return home! Back to Akira and the others: they were near Cent, when they caught sight of some of abbot Eadred's men...

Akira:"Where do they come from?...(*Sihtric shrugged his shoulders*)...what lies in the north that abbot Eadred and my father might care for?"
Gisela:(*she sighed*)"Two days ago Uhtred's uncle Ælfric, his men, the brothers Erik and Sigefrid and their men came to our hall and together with your father they wanted to discuss a plan for the fight against Kjartan!...(*Akira tilted her head*)...Ælfric wanted Uhtred's head but your father then decided to sell Uhtred to a slave trader! He wanted to marry me off to Ælfric, and that's also the reason why I fled!"
Akira:"Has he now completely lost his mind?!...(*Sihtric nodded*)...to want to marry you off to such a cruel man is a betrayal to our family, Gisa!"
Gisela:(*she lowered her head*)"I know, and that's why I have to get as far away from your father as possible!...(*Akira sighed*)...and I only trust you and Sihtric, Akira!"
Sihtric:"We won't let you down, Lady!...(*Gisela smiled at him*)...but I have to ask you: where are we going?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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