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Hi, I'm looking for Marauders Era RP accounts so we can all become one big wattpad roleplay!! 


1-  if you are talking too somebody outside the RP be respectful and kind, if somebody is not being respectful and kind please tell me immediately and they will be kicked out the roleplay, I don't tolerate rude people (unless they are roleplaying)

2- Be respectful of the ships I've put in place, if you don't like the ships you don't have too Roleplay alrighty?

3- Avoid being out of character on others mbs, if you need too ask a question by all means use DMs or comment in this book but mbs should be a LAST resort as we want it to seem like we are the characters.

4- If you don't want to be in the roleplay anymore you can tell me, I won't mind I'm sure others won't mind, we will understand<333

5- No rushing people to respond, they have a 1 week limit before they get taken out the roleplay alrighty? Unless they tell me or one of the other roleplayers that they need more than that (which we will be more than happy to give if you ask). Again if you ask for a certain amount of time and you go over it I'll DM you asking what's going on and if you need more time, if you don't answer within two days you will then be taken out!! 

6- No hating on others roleplay ways, we are acting like them if they had social media ok? They can choose how they portray their character. Unless they are making the character the complete opposite of who they are, then respectfully leave it.

7- Use common sense... I shouldn't have to say this but I do. Thanks xoxo

8- Remember that anything people say as they're character isn't directed at you!! It is them acting as a character. Like if somebody called someone a mudblood or was rude to them in character that's aloud because well they are playing roles?? 

9- Be mindful of timezones!! Not everybody lives in America or the UK or Asia etc. So please be respectful if you don't get a reply for hours or if somebody stops messaging suddenly because we all have lives outside of wattpad.

Any other rules you would like added tell me!!

Marauders Era Wattpad Accounts RPWhere stories live. Discover now