Important Announcement

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Dear Reader,

I want to thank every one of you who supported my book in any way. I loved reading your comments, seeing your votes, and all the other ways you interacted with my story. Because of your amazing encouragement, I gained the courage to pursue the publishing of my debut novel, HER DARKEST DREAMS.

Over the past year, I have been heavily editing, revising and rereading this story so it can be a new and better experience for you guys when you read Her Darkest Dreams again. Many of the plot lines have changed so this will really feel like you're reading it again for the first time. I'm so excited to hear your reactions to the changes!

I am so excited to share that Her Darkest Dreams is now a published novel and is available on Amazon (links and other info will be at the end)! It's currently in paperback and ebook format. Hardcover is on the way! I started writing this story in 2019 and I never imagined it would get this far and that I would even have the guts to share it with the world, but thanks to you guys and thanks to God, it was all possible! A lot of prayers and tears went into this entire process, but it was definitely worth it and I loved every minute of it. Her Darkest Dreams is a story that resonates so deeply with me and I hope it touches each and every one of you as it did me.

I am so grateful that all of this was possible. As a way to thank you guys; I will be leaving the revised first chapter of my published book on Wattpad. Check it out and let me know what you think!

God bless,

Faith <3

You can find me here (more news and updates on the way!) :

TikTok: @faithinwritings 

Instagram: @faithinwritings



It's available in other countries too! Just use your normal Amazon marketplace and search for 'Her Darkest Dreams'.

Her Darkest DreamsWhere stories live. Discover now