"Nice To Meet You"

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Minji's Pov :

I woke up feeling tired I got wasted last night. I felt a little heavy headed.

My bedroom door suddenly swang open it was Miyeon my sister after our parents died she has been like a mom to me but sometimes annoying.

"Hey why are you in my room and why are you all dressed up?" I asked.

"Well I told you this yesterday but I knew it you won't remember I am going to Japan for a business trip and its for a month " Miyeon replied.

"Okay whatever"

"There more you know my friend Hanbin he and his family is going on a trip to Vietnam we'll except for his sister because she has college and exams coming up" she explained.

"So? What am I supposed to do?" I said as I got out of bed.

"She is going to be staying with you in this house in your room"

"What!! No you can't do that"

"I already did and Hanbin's parents are okay with it to so you don't have a choice"

"But can't she live in your room?"

"I thought about it at first but my room is under renovation stop acting like you don't know"

"She can sleep in the living room like you do".

"Uhmm no but you are going to sleep in the living room I don't want you to sleep next to her"

"Whatever" I said giving her a side eye.

Ding dong

"It must be her come on let's go" Miyeon said in excitement.

Miyeon ran out of my room towards the main door and i slowly trailed after her. The door opened revealing a little, cute short girl. Wh- what no not cute well maybe a little bit. To be honest she looked like a little kid.

Miyeon hugged her tightly.

"Hey Miyeon I didn't know a fifteen year old goes to college" I whispered as she pulled back from the hug.

"Are you stupid she is 19 soon to be 20" she whispered back.

"Anyways you two I gtg otherwise I will miss my flight byee" Miyeon said as she dragged her suitcase.

"Bye Miyeon unnie" the girl said her voice was incredibly sweet.

"Bye Miyeon"i said as she left.

The little girl turned to me" Hi my name is Hanni Pham nice to meet you"she said as she bowed to me.

"Whatever my name is Minji you better call me unnie unless you want to be on my bad side" I rolled my eyes and she just chuckled.


Hi its me again I'm back (let's talk ASAP).

Another bambangsaz book yay.

Anyways the title for this chap was random I hope you like this book.


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