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~Lili's POV~

"Babe.... I need to get up....." I say
"Nah" he says holding on to me tighter
"Purp!" I shouted
"What?" He asked sleepily and his deep voice
"Let me go or I will beat you up. I need to get up" I said looking him dead in the eye.
"Knowing you do it so well, but fine." You both let go and he rolls over to the other side of the bed,
"you got to get up too you know" I said to him as he groaned burying his head into a pillow
'see this is the scary mercenary person people are scared of'
"Is that a must?" he asked lifting his head a bit so his voice wasn't so muffled.
"I mean yeah don't you have a bunch of things to do?"
"No? I don't know" He said covering himself with the blanket, I took a shower and changed into some comfortable clothes and then I went down and saw Phil making breakfast potatoes and eggs.
"Can you wake Techno up? Also is Purpled Here?" Phil asks
"Yeah he is, and sure" I say walking into Technos room
"Tech. Phil made Potatoes" I say and his eyes immediately shot open and he got up out of bed and Speed ran into the Closet the came out in his usual clothes his hair was still a mess.
"Im up. Also do you think you can do my hair?" He asks looking at me
"As long as I can do something different with it" I say as we walk down stairs to see Phil and Purpled talking
"You know what? Fine." Techno says and I do a little Cheer
"Woah. Why are you so happy? Did Dream leave Tommy alone?" Phil asks looking at me
"I wish. Tech is letting me do something different with his hair!" I say excitedly before purpled walks up and Hugs me from behind

*After breakfast*

"Come here pig man" I say as he looks at me taken aback by my words, but still sits down because he needs his hair up

"Come here pig man" I say as he looks at me taken aback by my words, but still sits down because he needs his hair up

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(Pretend that is techno)

"I think I did good!" I say happy as I show Phil and Purpled
"Damn. You did do good" purpled says before kissing my cheek
"I gotta go, being a mercenary Is tough. Everyone wants you on your side." He says before kissing me again
"bye babe!" He yells before walking out
"I need to go aswell. I have farms to attend to" I say before getting up and putting my shoes on
"Mhm. Ok mate, be safe."
"Yeah. Don't die." Techno says
"I'll be safe." I say chuckling before walking out the house and Towards mine

*Time skip*

I was Just outside my house when I noticed my door was open and I heard 2 peoples heart beating, but it was rapid.
I silenced the noise and Walked in to see my brother and Punz making out
"eww. Why in my house. Take that to your's" I say looking at them
"Sorry sis. But I have a deal for you, you are a mercenary correct?"
"Born and Raised. What do you want." I glare at him
"I see your still upset about the whole, blowing up and Betraying you thing.... But, I want your help."
"Why mine. You can ask Foolish ,Techno, Dad, GeorgeHD, Mumza. Oh wait you can't, they hate you. Except Mumza and Dad, no matter what you do to their 'precious angel' they still love you. But make it snappy I have animals and Farms to take care of." I say organizing my inventory and putting things in chest
"Ok..... I want you to act as a spy for me. Essentially a Traitor." He says catching my attention and looking towards him
"You want me to be a Spy for you." I say pointing at him
"Now see, why would I do that?" I ask going back to organizing my chest.
"You want revenge on Tommy and Tubbo for Betraying you. Yes? What about Cynthya??"
"Oh my God. Dream. Your an idiot sometimes. IM Cynthya" I say before noticing my Swords missing from my chest
"Dream. Did you take my sword... I'm not mad. I just wanna know"
"Which sword? Sword of Death, Sword of the Gods, Sword of peace? Which one?"
"The Sword of Death. Do you have it"
"No I took a vow to not Steal that sword. Remember?"
"That's it. Do you know where tommy is?" I ask grabbing my Axe of Death
"In What's left of L'manberg. Why? What did he do this time?"
"He stole my Sword of Death. It can kill anyone and Everyone it comes into contact with" I say frantic
"I'll send you my answer in an hour tops" I yell before running to what's left of L'Manberg
"TOMMY!" I yell as I see him talking with Tubbo and Ghostbur
"Oh. Hello! Your back!" Ghostbur says lovingly giving me a hug
"You seem mad. Here, some blue" he says handing me some Blue wool
"Thank you Bur. Tommy, give me my sword" I say Glaring at tommy seeing the sword in his hands
"WHAT! NO THIS IS MINE NOW BITCH" he says pointing it at me I grab tubbo and Take out my Axe of death and hold it to his neck.
"Drop. It. Now, you know I don't hesitate" I say pressing it against his neck. At this point I drew a crowd
"Lili. Let tubbo go. Tommy, give the sword back." Sam says Stepping in to make sure nothing goes bad, Tommy hands the sword to Sam and i let tubbo go
"Next time you steal. Be weary of who it is, Sam won't always be here to protect you. And Tommy, if you even think about stealing from me again. It's your life on my hands. Understood" I say as Sam puts a hand on my shoulder to help me calm down
" I have to agree, Tommy. You can't always count on me to be here to save you. Now quit stealing from people, if you want things, just ask. It's not hard, nor embarrassing. People will respect you if you stop stealing from them." He says before Tommy walks off
"You ok now?" He asks and I look up at him and Smile. Not a creepy one, but it's Warm and Fuzzy I could hear his heart beat softened.
"Yeah. I'm ok! Thank you Sam" I say hugging him before skipping off

*Foolish's POV*

"Drop. It. Now, you know I don't hesitate" Lili says pressing an Axe against Tubbo's neck. And Sam walks up to them
'is he Crazy. He could get killed
"Lili. Let tubbo go. Tommy, give the sword back." Sam says Stepping in to make sure nothing goes bad, Tommy hands the sword to Sam and Lili let's tubbo go
'what..... How is Lili so calm with him!'
"Next time you steal. Be weary of who it is, Sam won't always be here to protect you. And Tommy, if you even think about stealing from me again. It's your life on my hands. Understood" Lili say as Sam puts a hand on her shoulder it seems to help her calm down
'ok they have some sort of bond if she is calming down to Sam. Not that that's a bad thing, I like that Lili is open. At least with one of them, she doesn't interact with Ponk. Not often at least.'
" I have to agree, Tommy. You can't always count on me to be here to save you. Now quit stealing from people, if you want things, just ask. It's not hard, nor embarrassing. People will respect you if you stop stealing from them." He says before Tommy walks off
"You ok now?" He asks and she looks up at him and smiles. His eyes softened.
"Yeah. I'm ok! Thank you Sam" she says hugging him before skipping off
'she-she hugged him! She's insane'
"What the Fuck? She's never that calm when someone steals from her. How did you do it?!" I ask and Ponk nods his head in agreement
"It takes a little while for Purpled to calm her down"
"What did you do to my sister?" I ask suspicion growing
"Oh. We are both Redstone workers. If we need help with something we end up talking to each other then we bonded, with her help we made the Wristbands that everybody uses today" he points to the Wristbands on our wrist
"Oh. Ok so she's still my sister. You didn't swap her out for Niki?" I ask before looking in chat
:Thesius_innit was slain with ' Your Nightmares ' all life's remain:
:Techno_BD-Lili! Without me?!:
:Purpled-Lili I just left your house not even 5 minutes ago....... Why?:
:Lilith_LD- Because he stole from me!! Why else?:
: Quackity- Lol, poor Tommy:
:Lilith_LD- your next if you don't shut up:
:Awsam- Lili. You just left. Stop killing everyone:
:Lilith_LD- But Sam! He stole from me!:
:Awsam- Lili he gave it back:
:Awsam- Apologize to him:
'shes not going to do that'
:Foolish_GD-I don't think she knows what Sorry means:
:Lilith_LD- HEY! RUDE! And I refuse to say sorry:
:Dream_CD- Lili..:
:Lilith_LD- Sorry Tommy:
:Punz- wha- I'm not going to ask:
:Thesius_innit-YEAH, YOU BETTER BE!:
:Dream_CD- Lili can you kill him again?:
:Thesius_innit was slain by 'Nightmare' 2 life's remains:
:Foolish_Gd- Lili that was uncalled for:
:Lilith_LD- nuh-uh. Was not:
:Glatt- Flattering how much my murderer can act like a child:
"Glatt. Come here I just want to talk to you- oh hello Foolish, Sam, and Ponk. May I please get the Ghost that's behind you?" She asks so Sweetly
"Dont." Ponk says as her face turns into a sad one and Sam Gives in and grabs Glatt and hands him to her. Her face immediately lit up as she pulled him away
"Thank you!" She yells before
:Glatt was slain by 'Dreamerz Family Bow' 2 life's remains:
"It's my family's last name"
"I thought that was Dream's name?" Ponk says
"No Dream's name is actually Clay. He goes by our last name because he doesn't like his name" I say as Ponk nods and Sam bud us Fair well because he had to get back to work, we were bored so we went back to our shared home (if you want to read more than ask)

*Time skip Lili' POV*

I walk down from my Berry farms to hear people walking through my nether portal
"What do you want now Tommy." I say turning around with an annoyed face to see 2 people who I didn't expect
" that is an insult. I'm not as annoying as Tommy!" Dream says and I stifle a laugh
"Ok-ok what do you want now?" I wasn't annoyed but I did have things to get done
"Your answer." Punz says

𝑾𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝑼𝒔𝒆𝒅 𝑻𝒐 𝑩𝒆 𝑴𝒊𝒏𝒆 {[(Dream SMP)]}Where stories live. Discover now