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      backstory + character  introduction.

      backstory + character  introduction

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The harrowing days and sleepless nights, solace only found in the dark. Moon glow, basking in its freezing embrace. Late visits to escape all thoughts, time spent freely without limits. When terror strikes, fear striking even the heart of dragons, nobody is safe.

JIAN HSIUNG, THE JADE DRAGON. Crafted by the Gods, he graced Earth with his presence. A symbol of wisdom, a pillar of courage and strength, called on by the greatest warriors for assistance. For guidance.

GLORY DAYS WERE LEFT BEHIND ONCE MADE TO SERVE AN EMPEROR. Cruel, unforgiving, disgusting. A filthy pig that had climbed its way to the top. Gods forgive him, but humanity was doomed. As the years passed by, he remained by the Emperor's side without falter.

IMPERIAL GUARD AND WAR GENERAL, PITTED AGAINST THOSE HE HAD WANTED TO PROTECT. Humans hadn't done anything wrong. Not inherently, only the swine that plagued their kind had. The war tore apart his country, the dynasty dying out. Crumbling, coming to soon discover the last of his kind nearly all killed. Except for one, VEM TATSUOKA.

NOW SURVIVING, THE TWO WANDER EARTH ALONE. A dystopian reality, a whole new world waiting to swallow them whole. One blinded by rage, the other calm.. yet troubled. The perfect balance, but can they truly live knowing the peace they once knew was gone forever?


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