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Dec 17th-

Todays the day of the Yule ball and all four of the girls rushed in the room this morning and kicked Mattheo out so we could get ready together.

"Okay we have to start with hair, I have everything in my bag" Pansy's running around like a headless chicken trying to find her bag under all the dresses and makeup.

"Guys its only 10am and the balls not till 7 tonight, I'm sure it doesn't take nine hours to get ready"

Hermione plops down in the bed next to me "Yeah more like three or four, we should start after lunch" This makes Luna and Cho agree but Pansy's looking at us like we just killed her dog or something.

"Uugh whatever, but if I look ugly then its your fault. What do we do until lunch?"

The other girls join us on the bed "We could just talk for awhile, what's everyone's plans for Winter break?" Luna says in her usual soft tone.

Hermione speaks up first "Well for most of the time I'll be at the burrow but I'm gonna join Draco for Narcissa's ball and on Christmas afternoon."

"Yeah I think that's pretty much the plan for all of us, Just go home until the Ball and meet at the Manor on Christmas. What about you Lydia?" Cho's looking at me now.

"Well I haven't really thought about it, I did get an invitation from Narcissa but I dont know if I'm gonna go or not" Pansy sits up "You have to go, everyone else is and now that you're dating Mattheo you can keep all the girls off him" 

"I didn't know Theo went to those things it doesn't seem like something he'd like"

"He does it so Enzo and Theodore dont have to talk to their parents, If they stay by his side then it looks as if they're on duty" I dont know much about Enzo's parents, He's never opened up to me about them.

"Okay then I guess I'll go but now I dont have time to get a dress and also I have no clue where the Malfoy Manor is and I live in central London."

Its Luna that speaks up this time "Did you really think we were gonna let you stay in that big ass house all alone for Christmas? I'm staying with Blaise and his mother until we come back to school and I'm certain Mrs. Zabini would love to have you and Riddle join us, and I'm sure he'd like to get away from his fathers house. Blaise told me some of his followers still haven't given up."

"I guess if your sure then I can talk to Mattheo about it. Thanks Luna, that sounds fun"

We spend the next 3 hours talking nonsense before we meet the guys in the great hall. 

"Why was I kicked out of my room at the ass crack of dawn if you guys haven't even done anything?" Mattheo takes in our appearance as we sit down. "First of all Mrs. Drama queen it was 10 and secondly were going to start getting ready after lunch" Pansy rolls her eyes so hard I'm surprised they didn't fall out her head.

Mattheo rolls his eyes back and Enzo interrupts their banter "Are we gonna pregame the ball or not?"

"You know Enzo to anyone else you may look innocent but your the worst of us all, and of course were gonna pregame" Theodore pulls out a silver flask from his jacket pocket.

"Absolutely not, its 1 in the afternoon. We can meet in the common room before 7 and have a drink but were not getting plastered. Your the one who made Enzo so bad you Moron" Draco slaps Theodore in the back of the head and snatches his flask.

We all continue eating and joking about when professor Trelawney interrupts us "Mrs. Davis could I have a moment of your time?" Theo and I share a curios glance but I stand up to follow her anyway. "What is it Professor?"

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