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Mattheo's POV:

She's gone.

Just like that, in the blink of a fucking eye, she disappeared along with all the hope I had in this world.

Theodore fell to the ground as soon at the others apperated "FUCK. NO I tried- s-she did it for me. I let her down, I'm so sorry but she wouldn't let me. She traded her life for mine." he's hysterical, unable to form a proper sentence but I can't be bothered.

I can't think, I can't breath, I cant hear Blaise telling me 'we'll find her' or 'she's gonna be okay' All I can do is stand here and stare at the spot she was just a second ago.

How could I get caught up in something so stupid and let her down so easily, I promised I'd protect her, I promised I'd be there and fight for her. I let her down and now she's been taken from me so easily its comical. I turned away for a second and the most amazing thing that's ever happened to me was ripped from my hands.

I made her promises and I told her not to worry, she let her guard down because I told her she could and now she's gone. This is all my fault and now I'll never get to see her beautiful face again or hear her sweet voice.

I was going to tell her I Loved her.

Lydia's POV:

I'm still on the big guy's shoulder when we land somewhere I thought I'd never see again. The same spot I killed his family. Their blood still stains the carpet where we stand.

"I'm sure you recognize this place dont you dollface, I was here listening the whole time you murdered them" Owen snatches me off the other guys shoulder and throws me on the ground.

"I checked the house, I watched for months, I did everything perfectly. Your lying"

He uses his magic to tie my wrist together and start dragging me to the basement. "Oh but you didn't check well enough, you were lazy. Your lucky actually because if you had found me, you wouldn't have survived."

He opens the basement door and pushes me down the stairs, following as I tumble down the concrete stairs unable to stop myself. "Your a coward and if you'd untie me I could kill you easily" I spit some blood out my mouth and try to stand up but fail, my ankle's definitely fucked up and I cant put any weight on it.

"You under estimate me, Why do you think they kept me locked up? There's dark magic running through my veins, a magic so powerful that even your little boyfriends daddy wouldn't compete with. I'm special and my own parents were jealous so they treated me like an outcast. replacing me with that filthy half-blood little girl."

He takes my wrist again dragging me across the basement floor to an empty bookshelf, pulling it open to reveal what looks like a vault door with a keypad. The larger guy kicks me in the ribs to keep me from seeing the code but it doesn't work, I only pretend to be in pain so I can sneak a glance at him. 37251 that's the code, I repeat it in my head few times so I dont forget it.

The vault door opens with three long beeps. Owen drags me further into the room and pulls a cord in the middle of the ceiling, luminating the space only enough to barely see each wall. Its a cell with no bed, dark and cold. It's exactly what I imagine a cell in Azkaban looks like.

Owen picks me up and pins me to the wall roughly, no doubt leaving bruises on my hips. "Your gonna stay in here just like I have for the past seventeen years, lucky for you I'll have mercy and kill you soon but not before I have my fun."

His hands roam my body harshly while his lips attacks my neck and for a moment I wish I would die. I wish I could drop dead right this second so I don't have to be awake for what he's about to do to me. I try to fight back as much as I can but he's too strong, even with all the training I have its no match for whatever power he holds.

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