2. Sebastian Thornfield.

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The next afternoon, Fiona gathered her belongings, a blend of apprehension and excitement coursing through her. She made a final visit to the hospital, where her mother lay unresponsive. The rhythmic sound of her breathing was a reminder that life still clung on, fragile yet persistent. The abrupt shift in Fiona's life wasn't lost on her - just yesterday, her concerns were college and scraping funds for tuition, but today, she stood by her mother's bedside, the urgency of securing treatment funds looming large. Destiny's capricious nature had thrown her into disarray, a stark reminder of life's unpredictability.

Summoning resolve, she hailed a cab and keyed in the address. Her journey was directed towards Grimhaven, a remote countryside village that had never before graced her ears. As the urban landscape gradually gave way to lush woodlands during the long five-hour drive, she found herself at the village's entrance. The Ravenscroft mansion, an imposing sight, awaited her, its vast garden path stretching into the distance. An exhaled sigh punctuated her thoughts; the prospect of hauling her weighty luggage up that lengthy path was daunting.

Gathering her bags, she wrestled open the mansion's colossal, rusty door. The grating sound that followed seemed almost fitting, an eerie prelude to the surroundings within. The mansion was ensconced within a copse of trees, an enclave of nature's mysteries. Her footsteps brought forth a biting breeze, tinged with an unfamiliar scent that tickled her senses. The sun's descent cast an almost surreal pallor over the scene, enhancing the eerie setting.

The mansion sat in isolation, surrounded by untamed land devoid of neighboring residences. A small lake nestled beside the edifice caught her eye, the water's obsidian surface shimmering under the moon's glow. Its beauty was captivating, yet a sense of disquiet accompanied the spectacle.

Pressing forward, she was met with an orchestral arrangement of birdcalls from the enveloping forest. The air itself felt charged, the moonlight casting elongated shadows that seemed to dance in rhythm with her heartbeat. Grimhaven's enigma unfolded with each footfall, whispers of secrets concealed among rustling leaves and cryptic calls. The ordinary had transformed into the extraordinary, as Fiona traversed the boundary between familiarity and the unknown.

As Fiona approached the final entrance of the mansion, she raised her hand to knock. But before her knuckles could touch the wood, the door swung open eerily, as if guided by some unseen force. The hair on her arms stood on end, a chilling feeling coursing through her veins. It was like a scene straight out of a horror film, the door opening on its own accord, a clear signal for her to turn away. Yet, driven by the urgency of her mother's life hanging in the balance, she steeled herself against the eerie signs and stepped inside, her luggage left by the entrance.

Her doubts and unease, though a dry lump in her throat, were cast aside. She took a few hesitant steps forward and found herself in a magnificent double-lobbied living area. Twin staircases on either side reached up to the first floor, an air of grandeur enveloping the space. A dusty, ornate chandelier hung lifeless from the ceiling's center. Windows, coated in grime, filtered the fading daylight. A large sofa, freshly cleaned, rested elegantly on the glossy white marble floor. Her gaze was drawn to the figure seated on the sofa, facing away from her. Assured that this must be Sebastian, she cleared her throat before speaking.

"Mr. Thornfield?" Her voice cut through the dimness, addressing the man on the sofa. But an unexpected sensation sent a shiver down her spine-an unsettling presence at her back. The hot breath near her neck felt invasive, sending a jolt of discomfort through her.

"Yes, Miss Monroe?" A voice whispered from behind, startling her to her core. She turned to confront the source, her wide eyes locking onto a pair of vivid green eyes. The man's ash-blond hair seemed to catch a glint of gold under the dim lighting. A playful smile graced his lips.

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