After The Fight

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Drew's POV: 


   I regretted the word as soon as it left my mouth. 

   I brushed past Jake, knowing that if I saw the expression of shock and hurt and pain on my former best friend's face, it would break me. 

   And I did see. 

   I turned a corner in the empty hallway, and as soon as I was out of sight, I bolted for the gender-neutral bathroom at the end of the hall. It was the only one-stall bathroom in the whole school, and the only place I could be sure I could be alone. I burst into the bathroom, swiftly locking the door behind me. I gripped the edges of the sink, trembling with rage. 

   I was furious. 

   Furious at those stupid music freaks for taking my best friend away from me. 

   Furious at Jake for lying to my face, then walking away from our friendship like it meant nothing

   But mostly, I was furious at myself, for actually caring. 

   I knew this was coming. I knew it from the moment he asked me to leave the music room; when he took Hailey's side instead of mine. 

   And yes, I knew that freak's name. I made it my business to know the names of people I hate. 

   But Jake listened to her, and him taking her side in my argument with her showed that their friendship was more serious than I originally thought. So it shouldn't have been a huge shock that he chose her over me. 

   So why did it hurt so much? 

   I realized my eyes were stinging as something wet slid down my cheek. I wiped away the tear quickly, annoyed with myself. 

   'Ugh, really? I'm actually crying over this?!? Grow up, Drew!!!'  

   I noticed my reflection in the mirror above the sink. Sure enough, my eyes were red and puffy, if only slightly. There was no way in hell I was going back to class looking like that; not when everyone thought I was unbothered by anything coming my way. Boys like me aren't supposed to cry. 

   I turned away from the mirror, sitting down against the bathroom door as I inhaled and exhaled slowly, trying to regain my composure. I'd learned a while ago that breathing helped me calm down whenever I let my emotions get the better of me. But it didn't seem to be helping enough this time. The fight from a few minutes ago rang in my head mercilessly. 




   God, WHY did that one word keep repeating over and over in my mind? Jake deserved it. He was the one who had lied to me. He was the one who abandoned me; the one who didn't even care enough to tell me about his 'passion'. Jake had been a bad friend, I didn't even know anymore he'd ever even seen me as a friend to him. He was just like everyone else; only using me for money and popularity. I wasn't in the wrong for calling him out as he was. I wasn't wrong to call him a freak. 

   ... Was I? 

   A loud knock on the bathroom door caused my to jump slightly, startling me from my thoughts. 

   "Drew? You in there?" Liam's voice. He and Henry must have followed me after I ran off. Those two never seemed to be apart from each other; it was like they shared a braincell. 

Wish I Were // A TMF fanfiction (Drake)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon