Decisions And Concerns

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Saturday, Drew's POV: 

   I awoke to the sound of my alarm blaring on my bedside table. I rolled over onto my stomach and covered my ears with my pillow, trying to muffle the noise and get back to whatever dream I had been having. I couldn't remember what I had dreamt about, but whatever it was, it had to have been better than reality ever could be. 

   With a groan, I silenced my alarm and disappointedly sat up in bed, tossing my pillow aside. I wasn't quite ready to get out of bed, so I reached over and checked my phone. Henry and Liam had apparently spammed our groupchat, and what started as messages concerned for my wellbeing quickly morphed into them flirting with each other. I could never tell if they were seriously flirting or just joking around, but either way, it didn't make me feel any better. 

   Along with the messages from Liam and Henry, I had about a hundred missed calls and texts from Zoe, most of the messages ranging anywhere from "You know I didn't mean it Drewybear, I'm sorryyy" and "Ugh dating you was a waste of time". I decided to ignore her, because there was no point in listening to someone who only saw me as her personal credit card. 

   No messages from Jake. 

   Of course not. Our friendship was over. I needed to move on. 

   Even if it felt slightly harder to breathe just thinking about him. 

   I set my phone back onto my nightstand, before standing up and stretching with a yawn. I hadn't slept well that night, or the night before. I'd skipped school yesterday because of the fight, since Jake and I shared most of our classes together. My parents were NOT happy about me skipping school, but they hadn't even noticed until they'd gotten a call from the school at the end of the day about my absence from class, so there wasn't anything my parents could do except scold me. Luckily, it was now the weekend, so I wouldn't have to go to school the next day whether I skipped or not. 

   My eyes widened with realization. It was the weekend; Saturday, to be precise. 

   The day of the competition. 

   I groaned as it dawned on me that I would have to make the decision whether to go or not, and I'd have to decide within the next few hours. I started getting dressed, tugging my favorite black hoodie over my head as I thought. I still didn't forgive Jake for everything that happened, but at the same time... I still cared about him, and I genuinely did want to hear him sing. I'd never heard him sing before, but I was curious what his singing voice would sound like. Even if I was mad at him - even though our friendship was practically over - I still wanted to show him I cared. 

   Then again, Jake would be singing with Hailey

   I don't think I'd be physically capable of watching my best friend singing a duet with the person he replaced me with. It'd hurt too much, maybe even drive me to the point of tears, and there was no way I'd let myself cry in public, especially if the entire school would be there. 

   'Does Jake even care if I come or not?'  

   I entered the bathroom that was connected to my room, looking at myself in the mirror. Magenta hair, still messy from my sleep. Smooth caramel-colored skin, never a zit in sight. Dark, dull brown eyes that never seemed to hold any emotion, even when I was moments from breaking down in tears. Comfortable black hoodie and fitted grey sweatpants that were casual enough to wear at home, but nice enough to wear to school without seeming underdressed. Smart enough to take honors classes with straight A's, but not a complete nerd. Skinny, but sporty and strong. Calm and collected, never seeming to care about anything. I was, in every manner, a rich parent's dream perfect child. 

   Shouldn't that mean I had been the perfect friend, too? 

   Or was all that just not enough for Jake? 

   I hummed in frustration to myself, nearly squeezing an entire bottle of toothpaste onto my toothbrush before I caught myself just in time. As I was about to put my toothbrush in my mouth, I felt a strange cough forcing its way from my lungs. I covered my mouth with my hand to muffle the noise, but I was alarmed to taste blood in my mouth suddenly, along with a weird soft thing. I spat into the sink, and there was another pale-blue flower petal, no bigger than the nail of my pinkie finger. Just like the one I'd coughed up on Thursday. Only this time, there was dark red blood speckled across the petal, giving the illusion of a lilac hue. 

   Now I knew something was wrong. It couldn't be a coincidence that within the past three days, I'd somehow coughed up two of the exact same flower petals, one of them flecked with my own blood. I wasn't an idiot; I knew that wasn't normal. 

   But what did it mean? 

   Before I could worry more about the petals, my phone vibrated on my nightstand. I stuck my toothbrush in my mouth, brushing my teeth as I went to check my notifications. It was a text from Liam. 

♦️Scene kid ♠️: 'Hey, u going to the competition? Me and Henry were thinking of going, but it's ur call.' 

   I hesitated for a moment, but deep down, I already knew how to answer. 

                                                                                           Me: 'Yeah, we can go.' 

                                                                                               'See you guys there.' 

   I set my phone back down on the nightstand and sighed. I walked back into my bathroom to finish brushing my teeth, then brushed my hair so that every strand fell into place. I looked in the mirror one more time, hating the dull expression of the reflection staring back at me. I heard my dad downstairs, speaking with a woman whose voice wasn't my mom's. He'd been having multiple affairs for years now, but I'd stayed silent so I could blackmail him for new things to give to Jake and my other friends. Maybe now that Jake and I weren't friends anymore, I'd finally tell my mom about the affairs. 

   I shook my head, watching my reflection do the same. 'Quit thinking about him, Drew,' I scolded myself. 'Maybe this competition thing will help me move on.' 

'...It has to.'  

A/N: Hi! Sorry this chapter is kind of bland action-wise; I'm better with inner-monologue than I am actually describing what's going on around the character. I also wanted to say the Drew's perspective of things (in the beginning) is going to seem very unlike the what we see from the canon version of him. This will be explained later, but I don't want to spoil anything or overshare. Anyways, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed! :D 

(Also, I'm probably going to go and edit previous chapters from time to time, if I feel something needs changed.) 

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