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I am the sunshine.

They used to tell that I have such a wild, and fun character.

That I am lively, jolly, and a sunshine soul.

Is it because I often laughs? Smiles at everyone? Greets everyone with an all-lit face and bright eyes?

Yeah, maybe.

Maybe it's because I can easily get along with anyone; may it be online or in person, I easily get friends with someone. Anywhere you see me, in any get togethers, you can always see me talking with someone. That's how fun I am.

I am talkative. I love talking to other people—or maybe I just love their attention.

They told me that I am brave, and strong.

My first love once called me "little tiger."

I think it's a compliment. It is a compliment because it came from him.

Yes, I am brave and strong.

But if they knew how easy it would be to ruin me...

If they only knew how it would only be a few steps to bring me into my knees...

I bet they would stop calling me sunshine, and a lively, and jolly soul, but instead, it would be a broken fragment of glass, shattered in tears, wrenched in pain.

It would be a pot filled to the brim, pouring it's eyes out because of too much heat.

If only they knew how fragile I am, but they don't, thankfully.

Diary of a Withered PenWhere stories live. Discover now