Chapter 1

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Michael: please welcome the father of Bray Wyatt WWE legend IRS, his wife Jojo, daughters Kendyl & Cadyn and his brother Bo Dallas.

All 5 of them walk to the ring. Bo is handed a mic from Mike Rome.

Bo: Bray would be so happy to hear you all tonight. he made a request and left it on a piece of paper for us. it was that we introduce our youngest brother tonight, so please welcome Blake Rotunda

The titantron shows a man standing with an unlit lantern. He lights it the looks at the camera.

Blake: he's still here

He blows out the lantern. The crowd cheer at the reference to Bray's original entrance.

The man walks out holding a lantern. He has a sheep mask on like Rowan's and a hood on.

He walks to the ring as people turn their phone flashlights on and slowly wave them around.

The man reaches the bottom of the ramp. There sees a rocking chair. He kneels on one knee in front of it. He removes the sheep mask placing it on the chair.

He walks up the steel stairs then steps into the ring. With the light from the lantern everyone is visable.

He blows out the lantern and the lights in the arena go out. Once the lights come back on Blake is standing infront of his family with a mic.

The crowd are cheering for the entrance and for Blake who is making his WWE debut.

Blake: i'm Blake Rotunda, i'm the younger brother of Bo Dallas and of cource Bray Wyatt.

The crowd cheer at the mention of Bray Wyatt's name.

Blake: Bray was always there for me and Bo when we needed help, in our careers or just in our personal lives. when Bo and i were getting married to our wives he was there for us. when i was going through divorce and lost my kids he was there. when i started wrestling i had the help of my dad and my brothers, Bray taught me a lot of his moves which i still use in honour of him.

The crowd cheer.

Blake: there was only one thing that he did that sadly none of us could, and that we win the WWE championship

The crowd cheer again.

Blake: when the match ended and he walked to the back i called him and we all told him how happy and proud we were that he was WWE champion.

Blake finally lets tears out.

Blake: Bray, now you truely have the whole world in your hands. "Follow The Buzzards" to the heavens, we love you Bray

He places the mic down. Bo hands Blake a hat like the one Bray used to wear. As they leave the ring they stop at the chair then they all kneel except for Blake.

He walks to the chair. He puts his mask back on. He place the lantern on the chair then puts the hat on top of it. He joins the others kneeling.

The cameras cut going to the break. They stand up then get the chair taking it to the ramp place it to the side.

They then walk to the back.

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