Chapter-1 shadows in the valley

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The morning sun was barely visible behind the thick clouds that loomed over the valley of Kashmir. The air was cool, crisp and the wind was strong, whipping through the pine trees, causing them to sway and dance in a frenzied rhythm. The sky was a patchwork of grey and white, creating an eerie atmosphere in the valley

His long hair flowed wildly behind him as he ran with the wind. He had been jogging every morning for the past few years. His legs pumped hard as he ascended the mountain path, each step propelling him further towards the edge of the cliff. The trees towered around him, casting long shadows on the path ahead. The air was cold, and his breath came out in small white clouds as he ran.

Finally, he reached the end of the path, his breath coming out in gasps. The horizon stretched out before him, and the view was breathtaking. From the edge of the cliff, he could see the entire valley of Kashmir, with its rolling hills and snow-capped peaks. The sun was just starting to peek out from behind the clouds, casting a warm orange glow across the landscape.

The trail lead him to a small courtyard in the cliffside

The courtyard was enclosed by a fence made of small grey bricks, offering a glimpse into the world beyond. A royal guard, resplendent in his navy blue and white uniform, stood tall at the entrance. The emblem on his uniform bore the insignia of a shield used by the nomadic warriors of the Himalayan region, representing strength and loyalty.

Within the courtyard, a small garden flourished, adorned with vibrant iris flowers, their colors standing out against the muted backdrop. A man in a sweeper's uniform meticulously swept away fallen leaves, his face concealed behind a mask. Amidst the beauty of the garden, two graves stood solemnly, marked by plaques bearing the names of Aslan's parents, symbols of his deep-rooted love and reverence for them.

Aslan approached the graves, his hands raised towards the sky, invoking a prayer to Allah. "Assalamu alaikum, oh father and mother," he whispered with heartfelt devotion, his voice carried away by the wind. After a moment of contemplation, he walked towards the edge of the cliffside, a sense of purpose emanating from his every step.

The royal guard, recognizing Aslan's presence, saluted him respectfully, placing his hand over his chest and bowing his head. A somber silence enveloped the courtyard, and the sound of the wind intensified, sending chills down the spines of those present.

With a calm sound Aslan said loudly

"Do not think about what you are about to do, leave now". But determination burned within him, and he remained steadfast in his resolve.

In an instant, the sweeper, driven by an unknown motive, sprinted towards Aslan, his hand swiftly producing a black pistol. Time seemed to slow as the courtyard erupted in chaos. Two shots rang out, shattering the serenity of the scene. Blood stained the once-pristine courtyard, turning the blue uniformed sweeper into a crimson figure of tragedy.

Aslan, now holding the guard's pistol, acted on instinct. His hands moved with precision and purpose as he fired, unleashing two shots that found their mark, piercing the sweeper's heart in a rapid flurry of violence. The assailant crumpled to the ground, his dark intentions extinguished.

Silence descended upon the courtyard once more, broken only by the howling wind and the weight of the moment. Aslan stood there, the pistol still in his hand, the gravity of the situation sinking in. His eyes, a reflection of the turmoil within, gazed at the lifeless figure before him, tears made a river through the cheeks of the young prince of Khanzada dynasty.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2023 ⏰

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