The betrayal

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AN: hello people :) just thought I should say this story isn't mine and will never be mine but I thought I should bring on of my favorite fanfics to wattpad and give a shout out to the creator of it hope you enjoy and if you actually like the fic make sure you review or fav it in fanfic net.

Teen Hearts

A/N: Alright, so I know it's been forever since I updated but I just got my will for writing back! So, here it is. This is the completely renewed version of Teen Hearts. If you read the old version and think you don't need to read this, you are wrong. This one is totally different. So, enjoy! BTW: The song in this chapter is Lying Is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking her Clothes Off by Panic! At the Disco

'That fucking whore!' Ginny Weasley thought angrily as she stormed through Hogwarts castle toward her dorm. She shoved some poor first year aside as she began to ascend a flight of stairs. She furiously wiped away her tears for they were beginning to attract attention. Ginny let herself think about what just happened. But, this wasn't supposed to happen. At least that's what she told herself. Hermione was supposed to be her love; this was never factored into the equation. Infidelity. What a terrible word. 'That fucking whore!' Ginny thought again as she let herself into her room. As she drew the curtains around her bed, she let the tears fall. Finally away from prying eyes, Ginny collapsed into her pillow and wept, as she let her mind taker her back to Hermione's confession:


Ginny skipped happily to the back of the library looking for the genius that was her girlfriend. She hadn't got to see her the night before and she was overdue for a nice, long kiss. Ginny found Hermione with her nose in a book "Hey, sexy" Ginny said quietly. As soon as Hermione lifted her head Ginny's playful mind was quieted. Hermione looked like shit. She had dark bags under her eyes, and her hair was messier than normal. Not to mention her clothes were frumped, as if she had worn them the day before. "My god! What happened to you?" Ginny exclaimed. She took the seat next to Hermione and held her hand. "Ginny..." Hermione sighed sadly. Automatically, Ginny's spine stiffened, she didn't like where this was going already.

"We need to talk" Hermione muttered. Ginny liked it even less now. "Ok, um, what is it?" Ginny asked nervously. She was playing with fingers. Her thoughts racing. 'Please god no. Don't let her break up with me, I love this girl' Ginny thought to herself as she waited for Hermione to continue. Hermione couldn't look up, couldn't face her. "La-Last night..." Hermione trailed off. 'Please god, no' Ginny thought in horror as Hermione's disheveled appearance and her absence the night before clicked in her mind. Hermione found her supposed Gryffindor courage and looked Ginny in the eye. "I-I slept with Harry" Hermione said quietly. "I'm so sorry baby" Hermione added. Ginny felt her heart break. "Don't you dare call me baby, ever again" Ginny said venomously and she fled the library, tears in her eyes.


Ginny sobbed harder into her pillow. She couldn't stop. Eventually, her incessant tears put her to sleep.

Hours later Ginny awoke to the sound of the curtains around her bed being opened. She sat up, completely uncaring of her obvious crappy appearance. It was Ron. He looked upon his sister with sad eyes. If he had to choose, he would choose fighting Voldemort a thousand times, rather than having to see his baby sister, looking as broken and lost as she did at that moment. "I'm so sorry Ginny, I just heard what happened" He said to her. Ginny stayed silent for a moment. Finally speaking quietly she asked "Who told you?" Ron hesitated. Not sure what reaction the name would prompt from the younger girl. "Hermione" He told her. Ginny nodded her head absentmindedly. "I swear Gin, if I was a girl, Hermione would not be breathing right now. And Harry is lucky I haven't found his ass" Ron growled menacingly. Ginny cricked a small smile, only Ron could make her smile at times like this. "Gin, if you need anything, let me know. I know you typically hung out with Hermione, so if you need a group to hang with, you are always welcome with my friends" Ron offered to his only sister. She nodded and he decided to take his leave. He stood, kissed her forehead and left.

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