The graduation

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Months had passes since the young couple discovered Hermione's pregnancy. Ginny had stepped up in light of the news and became what every girl hoped for during gestation. She supported Hermione through everything from cravings to low self-esteem. She even helped her when she felt unreasonably mad at Harry for returning the guardianship papers signed so quickly. Due to the nature of the pregnancy, no one at school would even think of taunting her for it, and the girls were grateful for one less thing they needed to worry about. Before they knew it, it was the morning of graduation and Hermione was antsy, for she was expected to make a speech.

"Oh god, speaking in front all those people!" She cried wringing her hands nervously. "All they are going to do is stare at me and my grossness! Me! The walking statistic" Hermione ranted as she paced across the floor. Ginny, who was lying on her back on the bed, looked at Hermione and cricked a half smile "God you're cute" She told Hermione lovingly. Hermione looked at her as if she had grown a second head. She snorted. "Only you could think a ranting pregnant teenager is cute" Hermione told her. Ginny was very aware that Hermione was uncomfortable with her body. The red-head however, thought she was sexy as ever. And with that, Ginny concocted an idea to get Hermione's mind off her 'gross' body and the speech she was due to make. Ginny stood, mischievous grin in place and took Hermione's hands. "Don't worry babe, I know just how to calm you down" Ginny led Hermione to the bed and had her sit on the edge. "Do you now?" The older girl asked, catching on to Ginny's intent. The red-head nodded slowly, a smirk on her face. She leant over her sitting girlfriend and captured her lips in a slow kiss. She felt Hermione bury her hands in her long fiery colored hair.

Ginny pulled away and began kissing her way up her lovers jaw. She continued her string of soft kisses up to Hermione's ear. "Be ready to see fireworks baby..." Ginny whispered. She smirked when she heard the older girl gasp at the words. She then proceeded to drop to her knees, and grasped Hermione's swollen belly in her hands. "You may think I'm crazy, but I find you incredibly sexy." Ginny said softly and began to lay soft kisses on Hermione's stomach. The wavy haired girl's breathing picked up as she felt butterflies erupt in the pit of her stomach. Ginny looked into Hermione's eyes, noticing they had darkened a few shades. Holding their eye-contact she hooked her thumbs into the waistband of Hermione's sweats and slowly removed them, along with her under things. She carelessly tossed them aside, never breaking eye contact with the girl on the bed. She grasped Hermione' ankle and placed a single soft kiss there, and did the same to the other. The older girl was gasping for breath at this point, desperately fighting the urge to let her eyes flutter closed. She eagerly spread her legs to allow Ginny to continue. The red-head smirked cockily at her lover's eagerness. "Now, lay back" Ginny instructed. Hermione obeyed quickly. "Now, all I want you to do is relax. Close your eyes and just feel" Ginny said and with her first touch, all Hermione's worries flew out the window...

Hours later, Ginny found herself sitting next to Hermione at graduation. Their earlier activities had made them slightly late, for which they received disapproving looks from McGonagall who made it clear she knew why they were late. Ginny was currently spacing out, floored how things had changed since she was sorted into Gryffindor. Her brief period of infatuation with Harry, her disaster of a first year, her falling completely in love with Hermione and everything in between. What floored the young girl the most was that within a couple months time; she would become what scared her the most. She was going to be a mother. Ginny stealthily felt for the lump in her pocket, trying not to alert Hermione to her movement. If things went well tonight, she would become something else as well. The red-head felt her stomach twist. Tonight had the potential to be the best or worst day of her life. Most graduates went to party after their graduation ceremony; Ginny being thoughtful of Hermione's condition had made other plans. Ginny was pulled from her thoughts by the feeling of Hermione standing and the younger girl watched as her girlfriend made her way to the stage to make her speech.

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