Chapter 1

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That's all I saw. The noise was even worse. Cement against metal. I was in some sort of box thing that was moving upwards. I crawled into the corner and pulled my knees into my chest. I rested my head on my knees and looked down and at the ground. A few quiet tears rolled down my face.

My eyes slowly adjusted to the dark and I could see better. I noticed a bunch of crates on the other side of the cage. I crawled over to them. There was a small crawl space under them. I crawled into it so I was completely covered.

After what felt like forever the cage finally came to a screechy stop. And I put my fingers in my ears and closed my eyes. When I finally stopped blocking out the horrible noises I heard something else. Voices. They were above me. Someone must have opened up the cage.

"I don't see anyone down there"
"Gally go check"
"At least there's supplies"

I froze now scared. There were only boys voices. The. I felt the cage shake. Someone had jumped down into it. I looked through the crack between two crates. I saw a tall, broad built boy. He looked 16 at most.

"See anything Gally?"

Someone asked from above. Whoever said it had a thick British accent. Then something happened. I looked up at the boys face, Gallys face, and into his green eyes. But he looked at the crates. As our eyes met his widened. He let out a small gasp and walked over. It all happened within seconds. Just as I pulled my eyes away I felt his footsteps stop. One of the crates started going up. I tried to hide but failed.
"It's a girl!"Gally called
"Is she hot?"
"I called dibs"
"How old does she look?"
"Why a girl?"

"CAN ALL YOU SHANKS SHUT UP!" Gally yells. It freaks me out. Everyone goes silent, Gally turns his attention back to me.

"Ok greenie let's go" he says coldly holding out a hand. I reject it and stand up in my own. When I'm up Gally climbs out. I robe is thrown down for me.

"Alright everyone move!" Same accent. I look up and see a tall, skinny, blonde boys walk over. He has a slight limp. "Alright greenie. I'm Newt. Your ok you can trust me." She says. He has a slight smile on his face. Not creepy but welcoming. Then he turns his head back. As a dark skinned boy walks over. He also has a smile on his face. "Hey green bean." He speaks "Im alby. Basically the leader of this place." I hear someone behind me scoff. It sounds like Gally. "Oh shut it Gally" this is from Newt.

"As I was saying..." Alby continues " This is the glade. Don't worry your safe here. Now tell me do you remember your name?" I nod my head slowly. y/n. That's all I could remember about myself. I want to cry thinking about it. I know little things like about cars and television. But it's the things that make me me that I can't remember. My parents. My home. How I got here. Nothing. "What is it?" Alby says. Breaking my train of thought. "Y/n" I say. I realize this is the only thing I can remember every saying in my life. "Alright y/n. Let's go shall we. Newt here can give you the tour." "Mhm" is all I can say. Then Alby turns away and walks out. I realize me and Newt are the only ones left by the metal cage in which I came up.

"Alright greenie!" Newt pipes up " Let's go give you the tour shall we" I hum an answer. We start walking "over there is the homestead. It's where most of the boys sleep. But Alby will probably have the builders build you your own hut. Over there is the deadheads. The forest. But don't go in there unless your told. But I mean you can if you want. There's the blood house. Wear the animals are...." It all tunes out as I look up at the giant concrete walls that surround us. One of them is open. A small gap between two walls. " to y/n." "Sorry" I let out. " what are those for" I ask, pointing at the walls. "Oh those bloody things. Well in here is the glade out there is the maze" as he's talking two boys run in from outside the wall. A buff Asian one. And a tall blonde one. "But never. Never. Go out in the maze." Newt finishes. "But they just came back from out there" I say pointing at the boys. "That's different. Those are the runners. They know the maze better than anyone. Only they can go out there" "ok..." I say.

"Welp!" Newt says putting his hands on his hips. " let's go get dinner shall we?" He says. Then he turns on his heel and walks away. I stand there frozen for a second. Then I run to catch up. He didn't get far though. Not with that limp I thought.

"Hey Newt y/n!" Someone yells "come sit over here!" I look to see the asian boy I saw earlier. He was waving us over. As we walk over they all introduce themselves. "I'm Minho" he says " this is Frypan," I tall dark skinned boy waves. He seems friendly "Ben" I look to see the blonde boy he was running with earlier " Jeff and Clint" I look to the side and see two boys wave " we're the medjacks" one says " and Thomas" I look to my right and a brunette boys with hazel eyes looks at me smiling and waves " and last but not least Chuck!" I turn to see next to Thomas a chubby younger boy with curly brown locks waves at me. He looks sweet like the little brother type. "Hello" I say. I remember manners but not who taught me them.

Dinner goes by fast. I like the group I sit with. They all seem nice. We laugh and chat till dinners over. " ALRIGHT EVERYONE LIGHTS OUT. TOMORROW IS BONFIRE NIGHT FOR THE NEW GREENIE!!" Alby yells everyone starts to get up. Newt runs over to me. " i forgot to tell you" he says slightly out of breath. " your with Gally tonight. In his hut. Alby says he doesn't want you sleeping with the other boys because well your a girl and they haven't seen a girl in god know how long. So your in Gallys hut!" Newt rants. "Why Gallys" "because Alby knows he would never do anything to you. Gallys not like that. Sometimes he can be a dick head but not like that!" He says. You giggle at him calling Gally a dickhead. "Alright. Can you walk me there. I don't really know where it is." "Of corse!" Newt says. You guys walk up to a hut. Newt knocks on the door "who is it!" Someone says in an annoyed tone. "Gally it's us!" Newt says back. He smirks at me and shakes his head. Gally opens the door. "Alright. The greenie can stay. Newt you go." "Alright. Night y/n." "Night" you say and give him a slight smile. You step into the hut and close the door.

"Alright you get bed I take ground" Gally says. "Mk, do you have a shower?" You ask "in there" he says pointing to a door. You smile, say thank you and step into the bathroom. You slowly take your close of staring in the mirror. " Damn. Nice curves" you whisper to yourself. You can't help but admire yourself. You think your beautiful. But maybe that's just because all you've seen is boys all day. And maybe only boys for the rest of your life. Once you step out up the shower you notice that your clothes are dirty and you forget them on the ground. Meaning they're wet.

"Ummm Gally?" You yell. "Do you have any extra clothes?!" You hear him grunt and walk over to the door "can I come in?" He asks. Weirdly his voice is soft. "Um sure" you grip your towel harder than ever and your feel your cheeks blush. When he walks in you finally see how tall he is compared to you. At least a head taller. He eyes your body for a second. Thinking you didn't see but you did. "Here" he hands you one of his shirts. "Umm" you blush harder than ever "thanks" you say. He nods and walks out. You slip large shirt on. Luckily your underwear didn't get wet. But they are dirty which makes your stomach churn. You walk out and rest on his bed. He is already asleep on the mattress on the floor. You lay down and drift asleep.

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