Chapter 2

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You wake up covered in sweat. You'd just had a nightmare about something called cranks and getting killed by them. I notice that I have silent tears running down my face. It's still dark out and Gallys asleep. I feel sick. I get out of bed and walk up to Gallys bed. I crawl into it trying not to wake him. I crawl under the covers next to him. Surprisingly he doesn't wake up but subconsciously wraps his arm around me. I'm pressed against his chest. I feel his warmth. I feel my eyes get heavy and drift off to sleep.

Gallys POV

I hear someone gasp for air and look up to see y/n up covered in sweat. I decide to go back to sleep. Then I feel something move around my bed. I look to see y/n. What is she doing! She lays down next to be like we're a couple. I truth is I kinda liked her. But maybe it was because she was the only girl I remember ever seeing.

I notice tear streaks running down her face. So I wrap my arms around her hugging her to me. No one can I know I have a soft side. I have to be tough to survive. But she is making that instinct go away. She touched a part of my mind no one's ever got to. I feel safe with her. As I close my eyes I think of her.


You wake up to see that Gallys gone. You hear the shower running and know he's in there. You grab your now dry clothes from last night and slide them on. You barley remember the events of last night. All you know is that you had a nightmare and slept with Gally. You feel your heart do flips when you think about him. Could you have a crush on him. Newt called him a dick last night. Now you catch yourself falling. Then you remember you left your shirt in the bathroom. Leaving you in just a bra. You notice that the shower isn't running anymore so you walk over hoping Gallys isn't in there but in the closet space. You speed walk to the bathroom door and open it. What happens. Next is in a blur. You run into something-someone-solid. Then you slip and fall backwards. But he catches you, Gally catches you. You lookup into his green eyes. "Gally?" You mumble. He starts blushing and so do you. Realizing he had no shirts on. And neither do you. "Thanks" you say and rush over to your shirt. You look backwards and he's gone. "Dammit"you whisper. You blew it. Gally was going to kick you out you just knew it.

You leave the hut and go to breakfast. Sitting with the same people you did yesterday. "How'd you sleep green bean?" Minho asks "fine why" "because when Gally got here he was pretty well..., red" these words make you blush. "I don't know why" you say. What a lie. They seem to know that too. But shut up about it. Thomas smirks at Newt. Breaking the silence Jeff speaks up. " hey y/n" he says " wanna work at the medjack hut with me and Clint today?" He asks "sure" you say. You glance over to Gally and see him talking to Fry. He glanced at you and you guys make eye contact. You both look away and blush.

The medjack hut was chill all day except one of the builders dropped a hammer on their foot. But other wise all you had was hand out some bandaids.

"Hey green bean" Alby says "how'd the job go" "good I guess. I don't know how well I did though. You should ask Clint and Jeff" you say "Alrighty. Bonfire tonight don't forget. "Ok I won't. Bye Alby" "bye" then you set off to dinner.

All dinner you kept seeing a boy named James staring at you

(A/n I named him James because someone named James Cook. Not James Dashner)

At the bonfire you and Newt where sitting next to each other. You kept looking at Gally who was doing a fight circle.

"Here try this" Newt says handing you a drink "What is it?" You ask " I don't even know. It's Gallys secret recipe" as you drink it it give your throat a burning sensation. Making you spit it out "ugh. That is nasty!!" But something about it made you want more. "Yeah. But I kinda like the bloody thing too. It's a love hate relationship!" Newt says chuckling. You go to get a bottle for yourself.

As your walking to get a bottle Frypan tells you he left them in the kitchen. So you walk over to the kitchen.

As your walking the kitchen the boy named James comes up to you. "Hey baby!" He says in a deep voice. Like he's trying to seduce you. "Ew don't call me that. Also go away!" "Why baby. I just wanted to help you." "With what" "someone told me that your a virgin" you gasp " I just wanted to fix that" "stop no. Go away" then he picks go up. "STOP" you scream "HELP SOMEONE" you scream the first name that comes to your mind "GALLY HELP ME!" Then he ties something around your mouth. He ties your arms behind your back. Then he starts kissing you. On the neck. Leaving his nasty saliva on you. He touches your body anywhere he wants. Wet hot tears run down your face. "Oh don't cry baby" she says in a fake concerned tone "I'm going to help you" then you knee him where you knew it would hurt. "bitch!" He yells but it's still to quiet to be heard by anyone but you. He slaps you. Hard. Then he slams your head into the tree your leaning on.

It all goes black

A/N: hope y'all like the story so far!

1000 words

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