Our First Time

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During the lunch break, Bantad and the Blacklist boys were eating in the canteen. They were speaking about the new mission against God's Hand when someone got close to their table.

"Bantad" Laila, the principal's nephew "This afternoon you'll get home with me so we can start our tutoring session". Bantad almost choked himself hearing those words. His friends were looking at him with some visible question marks on their faces "What is she saying Bantad?" asked Traffic already annoyed by this new problem with long hair and even longer legs "Fuck" was the only word Bantad could say.

He got up from his bench and went straight to Laila. He took her phone from her hand and wrote something on it "This is my number, text me the address. Don't need to go together". After that he left.

"AAAH" Laila screamed full of frustration and came back to the two girls who were always with her.


Later, that afternoon, Bantad was outside Laila's door. He rang the bell and waited for a bit; when the door opened, a middle aged woman welcomed him "You must be Bantad, Miss Laila's friend. Please, come in and make you comfortable. I'm going to call Miss Laila".

Bantad entered the house. It was quite different from his, which was a dump compared with that estate. He was in a big living room where there was a giant white sofa, some shelves with books, a huge television and a glass table with eight chairs. The space was flooded by the light which came from the big glass walls. Outside, Bantad could see a big garden and a swimming pool. Kids at school always called Laila princess, with a mocking tone, but she was actually a kind of princess living in that castle.

"Would you like something to drink?" the woman asked him

"A glass of water, please" answered Bantad

When the woman returned with the water she was smiling at the boy who was standing in the middle of the room waiting for Laila to appear, maybe from the stairs at the end of the hall.

"You are the first friend of our Miss who comes here. She is always alone in this big house" told him the woman

Yes, she is always alone because she is a real bitch. Thought Bantad but he just smiled at the woman.

"I'm coming" Laila's voice echoes through the house. As Bantad had predicted she was coming down from the stairs. She seems different from school. Maybe it was because she wasn't wearing the school uniform, like Bantad in that moment, but a simple pair of gray joggers and a white crop top. Bantad hated that girl to his guts but he had to admit that it would be difficult to focus on homework next to her and that amount of skin that was showing from his top.

"Bantad" said Laila smiling "Mary" referring to the woman "You can go rest now, I take care of my guest" "Are you sure Miss?" "Yes, don't worry".

Mary got out of the room and Laila's sweet smile dropped.

"So" said Bantad "I have things to do. Tell me what you need so I can go home"

"Calm down" said Laila "Remember our deal" told her showing her phone "Let's begin babe"

"Don't call me babe, I'm not your friend. What subject?"

"How rude, babe. Today I need help with math"

Laila disappeared through a door, when she came back with books and notepad putting everything on the table. Bantad followed the girl, sitting at the opposite side of the table.

"No babe. We need to stay close" Bantad grumbled, visibly annoyed, and went sitting next to her. He explained the exercise and told to try on her own "If you need something I'm here but try on yourself" while Laila was concentrating on the numbers, Bantad was looking at her. She didn't seem different from school, she was different. Except for the clothes, her hair was not tied up in a ponytail but untied on her shoulder. Even her face was different. More bright and relaxed and she smells so good, too good. Bantad realized he was now closer to the girl who was still focused on her paper.

He had to stop himself from taking her hair and twisting them upon his fingers.

"Babe, are you okay?" Laila spoke with a soft tone, there was no teasing in her words. Her cheeks were coloured by a soft shade of pink and she was staring at Bantad with deer eyes "No... yes..." Bantad stuttered a bit and adjusted himself on the chair "Have you heard my explanation? There is a big mistake right at the beginning so the whole exercise went wrong" Bantad was trying to come to his senses.

Bantad was interested in girls, of course, but he couldn't even think about the possibility that a girl like Laila (rich, smart and he had to admit pretty indeed) could like him.

Stop right here Bantad! What are you even thinking? She doesn't like you, she is blackmailing you! Stupid boy.

"Bantad? Are you really okay?" Bantad looked at her "You were zooming out. I told you to come by car with me, you've walked to here and now you are tired because of the heat outside"

"Sorry Laila, I'm a little tired today but this morning you ordered me to come here and I couldn't respond otherwise"

"Bantad..." Laila tried to say something but the boy stopped here "Don't worry. You are right, we have a deal. So let's talk about Maths now"

Laila looked at him, Bantad couldn't decode her expression. She seemed ashamed of herself? No, it couldn't be.

Laila told him the problem she found in the exercise and Bantad explained to her what the mistake was and how to resolve it.

"Have you ever thought about becoming a teacher?"


"Yes, a teacher. Just three hours with you and I've learnt more than four years at school"

"Wait, our Ice Queen is giving me compliments?"

"No... is not..." Laila stattered. Yes, she wasn't so good with people but at least she was honest with her words.

"Wait, what?! Already three hours?"

"Yes" said the girl absent-mindedly.

"I'm sorry princess but I have to go" Bantad hastily grabbed his things.

"Do you want to stay for dinner?"

"What? No, no, I have to go" the boy needs to go home because he had to check some information for the Blacklist.

"Could you come back tomorrow?" Laila asked while he was already in front of the door.

Bantad stopped.

"No, the day after is ok for you?"

"Ok, good. See you tomorrow babe"

"Good night princess"

Laila closed the door.

Bantad called her "princess", two times and with no mocking in his voice.

Before sleeping, Bantad was thinking about the afternoon. Yes, Laila was not his favourite person in the world but she was acceptable.

He closed his eyes to sleep. The scent of Laila was still inside his nose and his mind.

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