Chapter 9

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Silverwing's POV

Silverwing sat at the entrance of the cave, where she now lived with Ablaze. It had been quite peaceful for the last couple of days. Simply feasting on new, unique foods, and learning all about her new friend. Ablaze was quite the unique dragon. We was standoffish yet also sweet, aggressive yet also kind. He would sometimes have sudden mood wings out of the blue. SIlverwing wondered why, but she never questioned it. She didn't want to seem rude. 

As she sat there, staring off into space, she noticed two pale-colored dragons flying in their direction in the distance. They weren't SkyWings, yet she still panicked and immediately hid deeper in the cave, startling Ablaze, who was in the corner reading a scroll. "What was that!?" He hissed. Silverwing pointed outside towards the dragons flying in their direction. Ablaze quickly rushed over to the entrance, pulling down the leaves that draped above the cave in order to hide the entrance. 

After a few minutes, Silverwing could hear wingbeats at the entrance as dragons landed outside, murmuring and whispering to each other. She shuddered as she peered out of the entrance. What were these dragons after? Did Blizzard change her mind, and were these dragons sent by the new queen to capture her? "Don't panic." Ablaze whispered into her ear, soothing her just a little. 

"Hello?" One of the strangers called from outside. Their voice sounded very familiar. "Yes?" Ablaze growled in response, attempting to sound scarier and older than he really was. "May we enter? We'd like to ask a question." The familiar voice said again. "Don't open the door!" Silverwing whispered, but Ablaze ignored her plea. "Of course." Ablaze said. Two IceWings poked their heads in through the leaf curtain. Silverwing jumped backwards, startled. "SILVERWING!?" One of the IceWings screeched, rushing towards her, wrapping her into a tight wing-hug. "We were so confused! Why were you out here!?" Silverwing immediately realized who they were- her siblings, Aurora and Boreal. They were here only siblings who were kind to her. However, they were unfortunately oblivious to Blizzard and Alabaster's attacks on her. "Blizzard told me to get out. So I did. I flew and flew until my wings hurt and I collapsed. And then Ablaze here helped me." Silverwing sniffled, the memory replaying in her mind. "Leave this place. Now. And never come back." She could see Blizzard standing upon their mother's dead body. Blue blood splattered everywhere. The intense, burning rage in her sister's eyes. Her terrified, panicked escape as she frantically flew away from the palace. It was all burned into her mind.

Aurora let out an enraged snarl after hearing Silverwing's response. "She's not getting away with that." She hissed, before turning to Ablaze. "Thank you, for helping my sister." Ablaze bowed politely. "Oh, no need to be so fancy. I'm not even your royalty." Aurora chuckled. Boreal turned to Silverwing. "Would you like to come back to the kingdom? Me and Aurora can protect you from that horrible sister of ours, I promise." Boreal smiled sweetly. But Silverwing shook her head. "I...I just don't feel safe there anymore. Especially now that Blizzard has complete control over everything. The hate she harbors for me is...frightening." Silverwing sighed, looking down at the cave floor. 

Aurora and Boreal nodded somberly before turning for the exit. "Well, sis, stay safe. We love you. If anything happens to you, please send us a letter. You can make yourself a code name! Maybe....uh....Goldleg?" Boreal smirked. "Bye." Aurora smiled as they both left the cave. Silverwing waved as her siblings slipped out of the cave. Silverwing sat there for a moment, processing what has just happened, before she turned to Ablaze. "Well, what now?" She questioned. Ablaze shrugged as he re-opened his scroll.

Suddenly, loud shrieks and roars could be heard from outside. Silverwing and Ablaze gave each other panicked looks as they raced towards the exit. They peeked their heads outside to find a group of IceWings surrounding Aurora and Boreal, ready to attack. 

One of them was Alabaster. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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