SIX, swings

400 23 2

To my Dearest,

I visited your childhood park today.

I remember when you first brought me there, at first, I didn't quite believe it was a 'park.'

If anything, it was only a vast pasture of never-ending green fields while a white swing hung on the branch of a great tree. I never thought you were a 'country boy.'

Anyway, I did go on the swing, and I teared up a bit.

I love you very much, and I simply can not wait until you come home. I hope this letter can provide comfort to you always.

I ended up staying there until the stars came out, I know you always wanted to touch the stars and I know very well that one day, you will hold one right in the palms of your hands.

And I'll be right next to you when you do!

Don't worry about me, I'm safe as always- and my friends at the orchestra say hello to you as well. ( They are still as loud as always )

I almost forgot! I heard from Tesla that you have not been getting enough sleep as of late. Thus, I ask that you at least try dearest, I know I can not fathom the pain you feel on a regular basis, but please. Rest, the world can wait, dearest, even if it is your very name. Or else, I might have to go there myself and snap some sense into you, especially since neither of us are getting any younger.

But that never did stop you.

If not for yourself, then for me.

I love you very much.

With much love,

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