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Eliza Rose Anderson was born and raised here in Chicago; her whole family was. Her family was either Cops, Doctors, or Firefighters, but she wanted something she wanted to be a detective, just like her old man, Ray Justin Anderson.

Her younger sister Maria Raylee Anderson chose to become a firefighter like our crazy uncle Ezra Anderson. Maria always liked dangerous things like their father.

Her baby sister Amya Jane Anderson chose to become a doctor like their mother Serra Anderson. After our father's death, she wanted to help everyone in the line of duty. She wanted to be the number one person, who could help other people. She was just a sweet her like that.


When Eliza got a job offer in Seattle right out of the academy she was delighted, her friends and family were so happy for her, and she wanted to make her father proud. It was hard for Eliza when she didn't see her mother in the crowd with her family and friends. At that moment she wish her mother wasn't a druggie, but a mother.

So with that Eliza, left her friends and family for five years to chase her dreams and make her father proud.

Eliza Rose Anderson is the most badass detective that you'll ever meet. But under all that toughness she was a sweetheart, she is bright and colorful.

Something tragic happened that led her to come back to the only place that would keep her safe, she left everything behind in Seattle and came back to Chicago to start all over again.


She thought she was starting fresh.

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