Chapter Seven: The Pain

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Just as the Ranrok Dragon flys towards Jake and Poppy, the elder wand appears before him and he takes it and casts confringo and the dragon withers in pain. "Jake you're doing it." "I'm trying we still got Poachers to deal with to hun." The two stand back to back as they battle a dragon and Poachers. The dragon withers in pain as Jake finally defeats it. "AVADA KEDAVRA!" Shouts a Poacher. "You dare use the killing curse towards me." Jake says. "Bombarda" as the poacher explodes the challenge ends with Jake and Poppy still standing and bloodied and battered from the battle. "You got a little bit of blood on your face hun." Says Poppy. She wipes it off his face and sees his tired eyes and smiles. "You tired hun?" "A little bit yeah. I could really use some sleep haha." They leave the arena and the audience cheers as they see they are still standing.
  Two days later
Sebastian goes over to the Hufflepuff table and talks with Jake and Poppy. "Hey guys how are you holding up after the first challenge?" "We're okay just really tired and battered down." Jake said "We fought a dragon and a lot of poachers all at once it took awhile but Jake and me handed it back to back and praying we survive." Poppy said. "A bloody dragon how'd you guys ever stop suck a beast?" "With a lot of spells and patience. Poppy handled the poachers while I battled the dragon." Jake replies. "You two really are the best Hogwarts has to offer, make us proud guys." Sebastian says. "Thanks Sebastian, see you later in DADA." They both say. "I wonder what the next challenge would be?" Poppy asks. "I don't know but since we have time for the next two hours you want to go to Hogsmeade hun?" "I'd love that actually, to just get away from Hogwarts for a little bit and relax with you."

  The two head towards the main door of the great hall and head out to the courtyard. Poppy whistles for Highwing and they both get on and fly to the max extent where they can fly to and land. They enter Hogsmeade and head to the Three Broomsticks. "Your Jake Potter aren't you?" A stranger asks. "Who's asking?" "A fan, I read about your legendary battle with Ranrok and wanted to ask some questions if that's possible?" "Sure, what do you want to know?" "How did you do it all like defeating him and all that?" "Well let's just say it took a lot of potions and spells. I had to use the right type of spells to break the shields he was behind and then strike but it was tough at that." "Oh thanks Jake you're a big hero and talk around here." "Haha thanks kid you have a good one." Poppy and Jake enjoy the butter beers they got and head back after an hour. As they are walking back to Hogwarts they past by the Forbidden Forest and hear a Hippogriff cry. "We got to help and see what's going on Jake." "Don't have to tell me twice Poppy." They run into the scene and see poachers trying to capture a Hippogriff. "Hey you monsters stop right where you are!" Poppy yells. One turns around and looks at Poppy. "Poppy Sweeting I don't believe it. The daughter who betrayed the poacher cause." "How do you know my name?" "I'm your father Poppy. Well of course you wouldn't recognize me or your mother because you didn't believe in our cause and we either had to torture you or mess with your mind to listen." "You are the reason I didn't get much friends in life and just now because if I open up to anyone about my past it could mean they leave or look at me differently." "Well, I see you brought company so I wouldn't say we didn't ruin you for friends." "He's the reason I'm still compassionate and honest until he showed up I was lost and didn't have someone to conceal too but he came into my life and helped me." "Him the legendary Jake Potter, poacher slayer, dragon and goblin slayer. Your reputation precedes you." "Your not be first nor last poachers I'll injure or put in Azkaban." "We shall see who wins. Mother and Father vs Daughter and her Boyfriend." The battle begins...

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