Jake Analysis

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Why does Jake act like that?

Jake is very much a people pleaser. He's always doing everything he can to get Drew's approval and also to not get bullied again. Also judging by the way he acts in the future, clearly the bullying was very severe and cruel. Bullying can have a big effect on your mental health.

"Jake should've just told Drew!"

As I agree that he should've, I understand why he didn't. Jake never told Drew anything because he was afraid to tell him due to the bullying he has been through and the dromies relentless torment towards the music club. Don't tell me the excuse that "Jake was friends with Drew for 2-3 years so he should've known that Drew would be supportive!" like no. Yes Jake was friends with Drew for 2-3 years. He knows how Drew is like better than anyone. If he thinks that Drew would get angry or lash out at him then he's probably right (also cuz that's exactly what happened).

Drew shouldn't have called Jake a freak

Jake also has PTSD which can also be a reason for why he couldn't tell him anything. PTSD can prevent you from doing stuff sometimes. Also Drew calling Jake a freak gave Jake a trauma response, paralyzing Jake. Also this is another reason for why I hate Drew. No matter what the person did, don't you ever remind them of what traumatic thing has happened to them because it's never ok. You can give them an anxiety/panic attack because of it. Which is sort of what happened to Jake. Just you don't care about Jake doesn't mean you can ignore the trauma he's been through. (Also Drew is not iconic for giving Jake a trauma response and he didn't "gag" Jake. Jake was having a TRAUMA RESPONSE. Let that sink in)

Jake did not choose a side

Y'all already saw Rosy confirm this but i'm also gonna tell you MY take on this. Jake didn't choose a side at all. He really wanted to stay friends with Drew. He genuinely loved him with all his heart even though he knows he's toxic. Jake also really wanted to be friends with the music club. Also in episode 9 before he saw Sean and Daisy he was gonna tell Drew the truth and have a heart to heart with him but Jake told Drew about Sean and Daisy and then Drew just decided to manipulate him right then and there, kicking him while he's down.

Jake is the victim

I see people disagree with this a lot. Jake is the victim. Drew has done so much shit  and Jake hasn't even done that much like at all??

Things I have gotten while rewatching the series and closely watching Drew and Jake:

What Jake has done:
- Didn't tell Drew his GF was cheating
- Doesn't tell Drew about anything (also quite understandable)
- Lied to Drew about being grounded
- Harassed Hailey constantly
- Made fun of Hailey's stage fright
- Talked shit about the club (was pressured into it though)
- Blackmailed Zoey
- Joined the club for selfish reasons (Partially for interest too though)
- Offered the laptop Drew gave him to Sean
- Kept trying to contact Hailey even though she obviously didn't wanna talk (harassment)
- Also kept trying to talk to Zander (and the other club members)

What Drew has done:
- Manipulated Jake into thinking he couldn't be himself
- Peer pressured Jake into talking shit about that club
- Called Jake a freak (giving him a trauma response)
- Makes Jake seem like he's in the wrong
- Traumatized him
- Controls Jake
- Made Jake super insecure
- Tried to make Jake think that it's not his (Drew's) fault that Jake talked shit even though he peer pressured him
- Harassed Hailey right infront of Jake fully knowing that Jake didn't want them there
- Got mad at Jake for being honest about his feelings
- Assaulted Hailey
- Bullied Hailey so badly she gained stage fright, social anxiety and is unable to open up about her feelings
- Made fun of Hailey's stage fright
- Bullies other people, not just the music club (He bullies Elliot and possibly bullies other people in that club)
- Everytime Zander sees him, he just gets very physically angry
- An asshole in general
- Constantly made fun of Jake for joining the music club, pushing him away
- Accused Hailey of using Jake for no reason
- A troglodyte
- Very manipulative (literally manipulated like half the fandom)
etc. this is all that comes to mind.

Jake is better than Drew. Both morally and as people. Drew is better as a character but Jake is more likable and more defendable than Drew. I really don't know and can't see why Jake is said to be the antagonist when it's been showed multiple times that Jake is the victim.

"Jake manipulated Drew"

I don't think Jake manipulated him tbh. Like Drew definitely knew Jake was lying. In episode 7, Hailey asked Jake if he was ok and he lied and said "everything is fine" Hailey automatically knew he was lying and in that timespan he's been her friend for a month. Drew has been his friend for 2-3 years. He should know that Jake is a bad liar. HAILEY POINTED THAT OUT TOO. Drew knew more than he was leading on. Even Daisy knows, she barely knows him. Jake is a terrible liar. Everyone knows that. Drew is also not dumb at all. Drew is canonically in honors, there's no way he couldn't see through Jake's lies.

Jake cared about the dromies

So I see some people say he doesn't care about the dromies. I believe that he did tbh. He may not have showed it much but he definitely very deeply cared about them. Especially since the start, like Drew was judging Henry for liking anime and Jake said that it's okay because he likes it too and even watches it with Henry. Him and Drew seem to have the strongest bond out of everyone in the friend group, him and Liam don't have many interactions. Also this may or may not be a canon thing in the show but Rosy literally made an animation of Jake crying over the dromies and he wanted the dromies to be at the competition so badly.

HELP THIS IS SO LONG?? Anyways I ran out of things to type. So like if I missed anything in my lists please tell me 😭😭

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