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They all reappeared from another black pit in the air, landing with a thud onto the concrete roof of a skyscraper. The black hole quickly disappearing as he landed. They got up and looked around, immediately noticing the all pitch black figure with white spots on it. "Y'all, what the fuck is that?!" Eric pointed to the mysterious object.

"I am...The Spot." it replied, not moving and sounding serious, way too serious for a first impression. "Be for real. The bitch from ATSV? Sure..." Kara automatically assumed this was some sort of prank or skit, as did all the others. "Did you even get hit by a bagel?" they laugh.

"Yes I did!" the thing retorted defensively "And what is ATSV?" Behrouz laughs harder, "Really? You're cosplaying as a character and you don't even know where it's from?" the group couldn't stop laughing at The Spot's obliviousness. "This isn't a cosplay! I am The Spot!"

"Aww, is 'The Spot' upset?" Eric taunted in between boisterous laughter. The Spot had enough and opened a portal under the groups feet and one above the roof, planning to drop them from above to shut them up. They fall in and suddenly find themselves falling from the sky onto the rough skyscraper roof. They land with a thud, going silent then glancing at each other. "BYEEE, He's mad!" "Womp womp!" "Cry harder!" "Cry about it! The teens mock and taunt even more.

The Spot groans before suddenly going quiet, "You people are loud. Just what I needed." The Spot letting out an invisible grin hidden under the black covering his body. "You 4 have abilities no one else has when you're here." The group's laughter quiets down. Kara is intrigued. "And those abilities are...?"

"You are from 1218." Spot states, causing Larissa to think for moment before blurting "The fuck is 1218?", the others also thinking the same thing.

"You see..." The Spot goes on and on about some multiverse thing, that they are the base and their laws are so strong, god knows what else. The group had tuned out everything he said. "...and that's why I chose you to help me."

"Uh huh." "Yup." "Sure." "Alright." They all respond, trying to act like they paid attention. "So go out there and wreck havoc!" The Spot opened a portal under their feet. They land in the sidewalk of a busy street. "Now where the hell did this bitch leave us..." Eric groaned before being cut off by Larissa. "This is Times Square. And why the hell is it nighttime? We were in H&M at noon, I remember that. Was he really talking for that long?"

"We still never managed to get the clothes out." Kara added with a sigh before checking her phone. "What the f...my phone just died!" The others check their phones, coming to the same realization. Behrouz's typical reason based thinking kicked in: "We could just ask someone the time." Larissa walked up to stranger and tapped their shoulder, "Hey, do you kn-"

The stranger jerks back as if they had been pricked. They look back confusedly before noticing their shoulder flashing hundreds of colors like a broken TV screen before the spot she had tapped vanishing into thin air. The colors spread across their body, leaving empty void behind them. The stranger crashes to the ground and cries out in pain; the stinging transformed into agony as their body was quite literally being erased. They stared up at the mortified Larissa, their expression a mix of terror and hatred, before the last bits of their body glitch into non-existence.

"I- I- They-" Larissa stammered, no idea what she just did to the poor man, her friends just as shocked and confused as her. Behrouz finally spoke up, "Did you...kill him?!"

"I don't know!" Larissa spat, "He just did that! I just poked him!" A crowd started form around them.

the plan was for this to take place in Earth-42 and they accidentally delete The Prowler, but as u already know this fic is pretty much abandoned. If you'd like to write ur own continuation feel very free to do so! (tho pls give credits to this story!)

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