Fairytales Or Chance

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They often call it a fairytale romance.

Fantasy or perhaps by chance.

The young seamstress a young maiden had a life of much distress.

None the less she carried herself as Regal as a queen.

Head held high,no matter how unfortunate things got, she never cried.

long ago her mother advised her never let the rich make you cry.

After a long struggle,with poor health the maidens mother passed away.

Her last words on her death bed were to say.

"One day you will find a true prince and he will whisk you away."

From that day forward,the maiden worked day and sometimes into night.

Mending the rips and tears in clothes of the elite and wealthy.

Hand stitching gowns for women
in town.

They would order her about shouting, only to drop a few mere coins her way.

As she walked through the cluttered streets one day,to breathe in fresh air.

Taking a small retreat from her labors.

The rich glanced her way,looking down their perfectly powdered noses.

Whispering,they would say cruel things.

The young girl,Looking down as she walked blinking back tears.

She heard their laughter ring in her ears.

A horse and carriage galloped past alarmingly fast.

Nearly trampled to death, she was tossed to the ground.

Most ignored her,a few found it amusing.

A earl stood near by a book in hand and rushed to help her stand.

He bowed grandly and capturing her hand lifted her to her feet.

The pleasure he said "is all mine."

The girl flustered wanted nothing more than to retreat.

She quickly bid him thank you and farewell.

She scurried away before he could say a word.

Back in her little shop,that she lived in as well.

She Stoked the fire, shivered from a chill.

As she sat mending,she remembered his face well.

His soft brown hair and teasing blue eyes,with a piercing stare.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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