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In shadows' grasp, where anguish lies,

A tale of sorrow beneath somber skies.

A heart's lament, a mournful sound,

In this world of pain, forever bound.

No whispers of joy, just echoes of woe,

Grief's relentless waves, a ceaseless flow.

Dreams turned to dust, hopes decay,

In the cold expanse where emotions fray.

Tears a river, the soul's silent plea,

Lost in the abyss, no solace to see.

A life once vibrant, now painted in gray,

In this realm of sorrow, the heart does sway.

No glimmer of light in this endless night,

Just emptiness, darkness, and a constant fight.

No reprieve from the ache that sears,

Only the weight of unending tears.

Sorrowful daysWhere stories live. Discover now