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The sound of the high pitched alarm echoed through the house. It reached every crack and corner, but was slowly fading as Mina walked down the long, dingy corridor.

She knew what she was doing...

She had planned it for so long...

Three years she had rotted in this god-forsaken house. Three years of torture and isolation. It had to come to an end, it just had too. She reached one of the doors, when the strong smell of alcohol hit her. She knew she had found the right room, wherever he went, always smelt of alcohol.

The door in front of her was a dark brown, with red stains over. It was old, like any thinks in this house, but the red stains were not. These stains did not faze Mina, as she had grown accustom to the sight of blood, but what struck her was the mirror that had been gently placed on the door. Its golden frame looked well cared for and the mirror was perfectly clean, only her own face tarnished it. The mirror was another sign she was at the right door, for only one man in the house was as vain as he was vile. The other men in the house were vindictive and cruel and all of them wore a mask of beauty and charm to mask it. But there was only one man would look upon himself with love and honour and truly believed he was superior.

Mina fixated upon her own reflections, like she had been forced to do many times before. Her long black hair was no longer perfect, and her eyes did not sparkle like they used to. Upon her forehead was a scar, still freshly healed from where that beast had lost his temper not too long ago. Her hand reached down to the handle, and slowly opened up the room.

There he was...

Right there on the bed...

Passed out as usual, after he had very clearly got what he had wanted. His brown hair was swept off of his forehead and beads of sweat were visable. The room was dimly lit by the few candles placed around the room, but Mina noticed the girl in the corner of the room was unconscious, with blood slowly trickling down her head. Mina's eyes fell back on the man as she clenched her fist around the knife she had in her right hand.

Today was the day...

They would be free...

She stepped closer, and lent over the man.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you how pathetic you look." she said, her eyes scanning his face. "Not even the perfect face of a psychopath could cover up the horror you are beneath." Mina had not known what she was in for when she first arrived here three years ago. She though her boyfriend was allowing her to meet his friends for the first time. She thought he was a sweet and genuine man, who had fallen in love with her. But after being locked in that room, and forced to become what she was... she knew there was no love. She knew that him and the others were psychopaths, true psychopaths who showed no remorse for any of their actions, men who truly did not care about who they hurt. Their fantasies and desires were all but normal, yet they won round the hearts of women, who were lured to this place by their shallow charms.

As Mina slowly lifting the knife up to the mans neck, the door of the room closed. The temperature dropped as Mina's heart began to race, the thumping of her heart being the only sound heard in the room. A cold breeze came from the open window, as a man cleared his throught.

"Mina, Mina, Mina..." A male voice trailed off, causing Mina's heart to sink. She knew who he was... she knew she was as good as dead... "I didn't realise you hated Jin this much!" The man said, as he stepped into sight, his face haunted by the candle light. "But, I have no issue with you killing him, by all means... go ahead." The man said as he stepped closer. The candle light made his face look more monstrous than ever before. The face every woman would kill to be with was always a face of a killer, but now... his face looked perfect. His hair was a light shade of pink and his eyes were crystal blue. His heart shaped lips curved into a smile seeing Mina frozen in her spot."But I don't think you will do it, sweetheart." He said as she came closer, and stopped inches away from her face. "Whatever happened to your perfect face? This isn't like the doll I know." He asked, as he slowly took her hands.

"W-What are you doing?" Mina asked, as if she just awoke from her trance. The male, who towered over her, chuckled.

"I'm going to give you a proper send off." He said, as he lead her out the room. Mina's feet were moving before she realised what was happening. "You broke the rules, and I do love playing the punisher."

"N-No don't!" She yelled, as she got loose from his grasp, which made him smile.

"Look at you sweetheart, I thought you never begged." He laughed.

"But rules are rules." Jin's voice echoed as he came out of the room they had all just left.

"J-Jin-" Mina stuttered.

"You thought I was passed out... I didn't want to miss this opportunity." The man said, his hands stained red from the bloody activities that had happened prior.

"Come on doll, let us give you a proper send off." The first man said as the other grabbed hold of Mina.

After hours, the two men emerged from the room at the end of the hall. The metallic smell of the room mirrored the taste in Mina's mouth as she lay motionless on the ground. Her body was unable to move, but her eyes and ears were working as she watched the two men stop outside the room.

"What have you two done?" The older man said running his hands through his hair. "It is too early to kill any of them!" As Mina's eyes adjusted to the new sight, she noticed all seven men standing just the other side of the door.

"You can't tell me you weren't getting bored of them to." One of the men stated, causing silence to fall between the group.

"Just get rid of the body." Another voice said, "we will have to go shopping." The voice became twisted as all the men began to laugh like mad men.

Jin came back in and looked at Mina's face.
"Oh," he exclaimed, "your still alive!" Then he began to chuckle to himself as he picked up the knife off the floor. "Don't worry, I'll fix that."

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