15 2 0

The streets were full of people, all rushing to work in the early hours of the morning. And as usual in England, it was raining heavily. The sea of colourful umbrellas covered the pavement as Y/n looked out of her apartment window. Slowly, she ran a brush through her long blonde hair, lost in thought when a voice brought her back to reality.

"Right, I'm going now!" Yelled Lisa, as she grabbed her umbrella out of the stand beside the front door.

"Oh right! Have fun!" Y/n said as she turned to face her flat mate.

"I'll try." Laughed Lisa, as she opened the front door, "Remember to go to the library today!" She added before closing the door behind her.

Huffing, Y/n walked into her bedroom and sorted through outfits, before finally choosing one. She put on a pink, off the shoulder crop top and some blue high waisted jeans, and finished her look off with some black converse. She put her hair up in a ponytail before walking into the living room. Grabbing her rucksack and her umbrella, she went out, locked her apartment door and began to walk to the library.

She put her earphones on and began to play music as the busy streets began to get quieter. It wasn't long before she reached Maughan Library. The library was located not far from Y/n's flat, and she was allowed access to the 19th century neo-gothic building as she was a Student of a prestigious university, where she studied English. The building was huge, and looked as if it was straight out of a book.

Y/n tapped her card and walked into the door, being greeted by the smell of old books as people were walking from shelf to shelf, searching for the books they needed. Y/n took herself up to the second floor and sat down at a table, then took out her book from her rucksack and began to study.

Hours went past as Y/n began to grow restless, as she rubbed her eyes. She took out her phone and checked the time... 3:00.

"Damn." She muttered to herself, as she realised she had been sitting in that one seat for far to long. She stretched up, clicking the bones in her back, before packing her books away.

"You've been in here a while." The boy opposite her spoke as he looked up from the book he was writing in.

"Yeah." Smiled Y/n, not wanting to be rude.

"I'm starving, do you know any good places to eat around here?" The guy asked.

"Umm, you could try Nandos?" Y/n replied, not wanting to start a full conversation with a stranger.

"Hmm, ok maybe." The man said, as he began to pack his books away.

Y/n quickly picked her bag and and began to walk to the stairs, when she felt as if she was being watched. Shuddering at the thought, she quickly turned around to see the same boy watching her. She shot the boy a weak smile before rushing down the stairs. Y/n began to think how strange the encounter was. In the two years she had been using that library, there was never a time anyone had spoken to her.

As she exited the building, she turned right and walked along the busy roads of London. The rain began to fall again, creating more puddles on the already wet pavement. Sighing, Y/n pulled up her umbrella. It wasn't long until she reached the Cafe Lisa worked at.

Pulling on the door, she realised the building was locked. Y/n been to put her umbrella down in confusion, Thinking how strange it was that the building was closed, it was never closed at this time. Then Y/n thought back to this morning, and how Lisa was. She had smiled and laughed, but the laugh... When Y/n had said to have fun at work, her laugh sounded... sad. Y/n had thought nothing of it at the time, but something did not sit well with her.

Looking around, Y/n began to notice that the once busy streets, were now empty. The autumn winds were howling around her, the rain was dancing on the pavement yet, there was no other person around for as far as her eyes could see. A sense of uneasiness filled Y/n's stomach as she put her head down and walk back the way she came. In that moment the rain became heavier, causing her steps to become faster.

Her instincts were telling her to turn around, to look at whatever was looking at her. She could feel eyes following her every move, as if someone was tracing every movement she took. She couldn't ignore it anymore, and glanced around her, when her eyes fell on a single figure.

A male figure...

The boy from before...

His face was curved into a malicious smile. As his head slowly tilted to his right, while staring intently at her.


That's all she told herself...

She only had to tell herself once for her legs to respond. She ran as quickly as her legs could take her. She watched as the boy disappeared from sight, but she still didn't stop, she kept going. Finally, the apartment door was in sight. Y/n quickly fumbled to get her keys out before reaching the door and slamming it shut behind her.

The apartment was silent...

Y/n heavy breathing echoed through all the rooms as she rested her body up against the front door. She believed she was now safe, in the comfort of her own home. She believed she was able to relax and let what had happened drift out of her mind.

But she was wrong.

A door creaked, something... or someone had opened it. The noise startled Y/n as she quickly held her breath.

"Oh Sweetheart..." a melodic voice sung through the hallway. Y/n's eyes widened as her legs began to tremble. "I've come to play." The voice added, as she heard the front door lock behind her. Y/n began to wonder how it was possible, unless there was more than one of them.

The sound of footsteps came from Y/n's room, the door was firmly shut. Slowly Y/n put her bag down, trying not to make any noise, before carefully walking over to Lisa's room. As she reached the white, wooden door, she slowly turned the handle, she knew if she turned it too quickly it would squeak. Once the door was carefully open, she walked inside.

All the curtains were drawn, and the room was in darkness, only a single candle was lit beside her bed. Strange, Y/n thought, we never have candles. The sound of footsteps brought her away from her thoughts, these footsteps sounded different than the ones before. Quickly, she crawled onto her hands and knees and slid herself under Lisa's bed.

The door to the bedroom slid open, revealing two pairs of shoes. Y/n quickly covered her mouth with her hand, trying to stifle any noises she may make. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes as the shoes got closer and closer to the bed. Then they stopped.

She dared not to move. She dared not to make a sound. She laid there, motionless and mute, silently praying to whatever god existed to save her, to make them leave and forget her. As if her prayers had been answered, the two sets of shoes turned and left.

Y/n breathed again, releasing a single tear.

Then she heard it...

A single rustle... from besides her...

"It was going so well." A male voice said beside her. Letting out a scream, Y/n jolted her body out from under the bed. The man did the same, his face drowned in the darkness of the room.

"No! Please!" Y/n managed to say before the figure came closer to her. He grabbed her hands and pulled her closer to him. She began to struggle, trying to fight for her own life.

"Goodnight Princess." The man said as a cloth went over Y/n's mouth. After what felt like an eternity for Y/n, her body became limp, as she drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

The door reopened, revealing the other two men.

"God job Yoongi." The one with pink hair said, as the other stared at Y/n's face.

"Let's take her home."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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