Part 1: New beginnings

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Matt stepped outside into the sun, as he squinted his eyes as it glared at him through the tree, as leaves whirled by him, spinning against the wind, whistling gently. His hair was different, clothes were different, even his eyes were different because of his fake contacts. He was a different person. "You are not going out with your hair looking like that!" his mother chastised him, as she fiddled with their new tv remote. Or rather new to them and old to the thrift store. "Mom, no, it's my hair, and I'm not a kid anymore." he said, as his legs began to give out and his heart began to beat irregularly as he held himself against the doorway. "Here we go, another I'm your mother speeches." he thought back to himself. But instead, she gave an annoyed groan as the oven began to fill their house with a cloudy substance as it began flashing, as both began coughing. "Fine, go for now! But don't think you haven't heard the end of this!" she replied, trying to turn the oven off, as she smashed the buttons in futility. He began to walk down the steps, as a girl, with an orange shirt and some sort of null shirt jumped on one of their cars from a telephone pole. Luckily it wasn't damaged, with the possible exception of some paint being scratched off. However, you could only have known this fact if you heard the screeching as she slipped off of it, hitting her head on the concrete. He ran up closer to her praying that she wasn't hurt. "Are you ok?" he said, his voice cracking as his heart began to beat faster and faster as his palms began to sweat and shake. "Yah-yah I'm- alive." she said, seemingly in a daze. He lifted up her head to check for any blood. "God please let me not have to call an ambulance, and not have this poor woman be hurt too badly." He cupped her hair gently as this happened. "H-Hey! Man, what are you doing!?" she said, moving away from him in an upset voice, finally coming too from her hit on the pavement. "Hey!" he said, his voice stuttering as her face went a crimson red. "I'm sorry- I just saw you fell and" "You just ran your hands like some creep!" she said, raising her voice. Matt then shushed the woman, in a whispered tone. "Hey, keep it down, you would much rather deal with myself then my mom, and if you don't keep it down you will!" She rolled her eyes but complied. "You hit your head, while jumping on MY FAMILIES car, and hit the concrete hard, I was making sure you weren't dead!" "Yah well thanks and all but there are better ways of doing that you know! LIKE NOT PICKING UP MY HEAD!" she said, her voice growing louder again. He then shushed her again, reminding her of the property's owner. "Ok fine, fine I'm sorry I was only trying to help, I don't want any trouble, I was just trying to help-" "I don't want any help-I- ARGHH!" she said, picking herself off and storming off. He then caught a glimpse of her hair, black in correlation, with the exception of the red dye on the top parting "-your-hair is really nice-" he said, his anxiety getting the better of him as she stopped and turned to him with a crimson face. "E-Eff you!" she retorted storming off. A pair of trouble making you two, said an old man on an old, faded white rocking chair, a cane by its side. "And EFF you too Mr. Penderson!" "Just when I thought I was going to get some normal people in this Darned Forsaken neighborhood" he muttered. "You and I are both old man" he muttered, walking past as the autumn air blew past his leather jacket.
The crisp autumn leaves crunched under Matt's black and white converse shoes as cars slowly passed by him on main street as an old statue stood above him, as he heard a man with a mega speaker speak as a small crowd surrounded him in the distance. "Only I can save this town! You cannot possibly save this town without me!" he said, shaking his fist against the backdrop of the old brick buildings. "Only I can protect you!" he said, his spit seemingly bleeding from his lip as he spoke. "I am this town's only hope!" he yelled, as a handful of cheers arose from the crowd. "The immigrants stole your jobs! The socialist ruined this economy! All they have done for us is destroy our children but when I am the mayor then I shall make sure they can no longer corrupt this town's youths!" Then in the crowd a girl holding a cigarette, glowing as smoke plumed from the tip. "You bastard! Your generation ruined this economy! Most people my age can't even afford a house!" "Lies from the wokest left! These children don't know how to work like we used to my friends! They only expect to be handed everything!" he yelled, as more and more people in the crowd cheered, as several people glared at the goth woman smoking the cigarette. Matt, as discreetly as possible, strolled over to the cigarette woman, practically invisible to most of the crowd. "It looks like this little rally is about to get violent, what's going on here?" "You new here?" she asked, the crowd growing rowdier by the second. "Yah, a bit." "Well, I have a store a block down, i'll explain what this little show is, follow me kid." she said, leading him out of the crowd, as two locals followed them. She leads him into a somewhat old, yet rather well stocked hardware store, with a man at the desk, with dark colored hair. "Hey Bae, I thought you weren't going to take over for another hour?" "I'm just here to get away from the rally by the memorial statue, don't get too excited." Too men watched from the store's window as she glared at them. "Sorry about that, I realize that rally wasn't the best introduction to possum springs." "It's ok, but what was he? He was talking like some sort of- I don't know fascist." "That's truer than you might think, he's running for town mayor as you heard, but he's- well he's attracted a certain clientele. This town is going to crap because of people like him." Then the door opened as the bell above it rang, as a familiar face appeared. "YOU!" the delinquent girl from earlier said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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