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"jieun at the pre chorus drag the me and leave. okay?" chan recommended, looking at chanmi sketching out ideas for their outfits. jieun nodded and she sang the pre chorus once again and he nodded. "good good, let's listen and see what you think about it. chanmi you should listen too." the younger nodded as she dropped her pencil and started listening.

i hope you stay with me,
what would i do after you leave?
i can't bear the fact you could be with someone else.
please don't leave me for another.

"chanmi any thoughts?" chan asked, looking at the younger. she shook her head as it was ambers turn to go in and record her parts. chan and chanmi swapped seats, and the younger spoke up.

"eonnie, do you want to start on the rap or the second pre chorus?" she asked, and the older pointed up a one with her fingers indicating she wanted to work on the rap.

watching you from afar,
wanting to love you back but i can't
can we just stay like this?
stay as friends?
how much i want to try i can't lose the feelings
for the one that i truly love
why do you like me?
what have i done for you to like me?
can i reverse this
so we can have our own christmas love..?

"eonnie you're kind of rushing it after 'why do you like me' so can we start from that part? but other than that it's really good." the younger informed, and she nodded.

"okay thank you!" she said in english, throwing a thumbs up towards chanmi. she started from the beginning, making sure to not rush it and the girl clapped.

"good job! okay so now to work on verse two."


"can i start at the chorus?" chanmi asked, and chan nodded.

love me,
i wish you could acknowledge me this once please, i want you for a christmas love
please stay with me forever,
i want us together with no bother.
i just want a christmas love

"wow great job, i think you did excellent but i also think you should kind of make the 'please' and 'stay' longer lasting than the other words, but not too much." the older said as paboracha plus changbin walked into the recording room. chanmi nodded as she hummed the part and gave a thumbs up, showing she was ready. she sang from the beginning, and closed her eyes, trying to get as much emotion into the song. after she finished she heard clapping and the door opened, meeting eyes with jieun.

"you did so good. you ready for our bridge?" she asked, and the younger nodded, smiling. after the two sang the bridge they all sat outside of the recording box either at the desk with chan, on the couch or on the floor. chanmi was resting her head on jisungs shoulder while playing on her phone and he was watching her. jieun was clowning jyp with hyunjin and minho, changbin was talking to amber on the floor and rina was texting jeongin while sitting besides chan, who was editing. 3 hours passed of everybody doing their own thing, chanmi falling asleep and jisung listening to music, jieun, hyunjin and minho still clowning jyp, and everybody else doing the same. chan leaned back, yawning loudly, which woke chanmi up.

"are you done yet?" she muttered in thai, and laid on jisung. everybody but amber stared at her confused, and the older girl sighed.

"she asked if you're done yet" she translated in english, looking at chan. minho and hyunjin looked confused still, not quite understanding what she said. chanmi babbled something in thai at the two and the girl sighed, once again, translating the sentence. "she told you that she can't believe that you can't understand a simple english sentence since you too lived in la for a year." she informed, and minho nodded.

"why aren't you talking in korean?" he asked, and she shrugged.

"because im tired and im just trucking through languages i guess." she mumbled, looking up at jisung then at her brother. "sometimes i forget you're my brother cause you're stupid." she grinned, sitting up then laying back on jisung. he scoffed and hyunjin noticed a notepad besides chan. he picked it up and saw a sketch of an outfit that was labeled, 'christmas love, RN'

"hey." hyunjin began, trying to get the attention of everyone. he noticed nobody was paying attention since the two siblings were bickering and he spoke louder. "hey." he said, crossing his arms. everybody looked at him confused and amber looked at him.

"what hyunjin. what." she replied, looking at him.

"chanmi did you make this?" he asked, showing the notebook. she nodded and laid her head on jisungs lap.

"yeah but i don't think i'll follow through with it. i doubt the stylists will have any of the materials for our outfits for the music video of christmas love. so we might have to wing it." she stated, closing her eyes.

"i can help you sew and stuff so everything can go by quicker." he suggested, and she nodded once again.

"okay lets start after dinner i have most of the materials, speaking of which, can we go grab something to eat i'm starving." she reminded, sitting up. everybody agreed and they all started walking out, side by side with somebody. hyunjin and chanmi were talking about the outfits for the music video, and jisung couldn't help but feel jealous, somewhat relating to the lyrics of 'christmas love.'

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