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I ran to the border of camp and saw everyone standing around, partying with satyrs and other half-bloods. Even Mr.D seemed to be having a good time. I saw Grover with a half sad half happy face standing next to Juniper (Grover was probably missing me. I smirked at the idea). Chiron galloped around talking to campers but mostly Mr.D. Juniper and a group of her friends (including Grover, Clarisse, the Stoll Bros and Will Solace) strolled outside the barriers and walked down to a clearing in the forest. Being the curios person I am, I followed them. It was the same clearing I had been in where I saw Annabeth. Grover gently knocked on a tree directly to the left of a fallen trunk. Out of nowhere, Annabeth appeared with her knife drawn. The minute she saw Grover she put the knife back into her belt.

"What do you want?" Annabeth said coldly, eyeing all of them.

"We just.. um... brought you some dinner." Juniper nervously looked at her and threw her a bag of food from Burger King.

Quick as a flash, without thanking them, Annabeth ran off with the food into the woods. Just as Juniper, Grover, the Stoll Bros, Clarisse and Will Solace could leave, I jumped out and stood in front of them. Clarisse being the child of Ares she was threw a knife at my foot. Juniper morphed into a tree, the Stolls drew two daggers each and Grover brought out his pipes.

I flinched as the knife embedded itself in my foot. Come on Clarisse, I thought in my head, At least think before you attack. I had no choice but to attack back. I did not want reveal my identity to anyone apart from my brother, Rick Root. Quickly, I drew two machete's I had collected during my time in the jungle, and cautiously pointed them towards the group.

"I don't want to hurt any of you, you guys don't know me, but I know you. You guys are my friends I don't want to hu-" I was cut of but Clarisse's spear whacking me on the head, making me black out. The last thing I remember was Clarisse's voice : "You're coming with us, punk."


I woke up strapped to a chair in the big house. Nobody was around, they probably hadn't unmasked me because I still had my hood on. All my weapons where stacked up in a pile in the corner of the room. I saw the Ping Pong table where we had our war council meetings, the sight of it brought back vivid memories. Clarisse embedding her knife into it, then storming out of the room.

"Stop." I said to myself. I needed to concentrate on breaking free. I felt for my secret knife, hidden behind my back. I had installed it after I got attacked by Cyclopses in Canada, they had taken all my weapons and trapped me. Luckily I managed to escape.

I found my secret knife (they had not found it) and quickly cut myself loose. I gathered up all my weapons and put them in the correct places. Just as I was going to run down the stairs, I heard voices coming closer.

"It was some sort of person, maybe a monster, with a hood and extreme stealth and fighting skills, Chiron." I heard someones voice coming up the stairs.

I had no choice. I went back to the war council room and grabbed my shield. Then, I charged at the glass window.


I landed on the hill, I was hurt, but my shield had helped a lot. I raced down the hill and past the tree, unfortunately I bumped into Annabeth. She looked at me shocked at first then became calm.

"Percy." She simply said. I had no idea what to do. Hug her? Run away?

"I have heard of Percy Jackson. But I am not him." I calmly said.

"Yes you are." Annabeth stared me in the eye, but I still had my hood on and goggles.

"I am far from Percy Jackson."

"You are him! Seaweed Brain! We were going to college together. I betrayed you. And I'm sorry, but I want you. I still love you Percy, and I always will. Please, come back." I saw tears slowly go down her face.

"No. I am not PERCY JACKSON." I meant it. I was a new person. I AM a new person. "No one can call me Percy," I said, "I am a nobody.." I ripped off my hood and goggles. I cut my cheeks making a "#" on the left cheek, and another "#" on the right cheek.

"I am not Percy Jackson anymore!" I shouted. Water churned behind me. Annabeth backed off, then came back and did something very unexpected.

She kissed me.

And I did something even I didn't see coming.

I kissed back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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