Part 3

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Authors note:
I'm sorrryyyyy for not posting Sundays even tho I think I said I will. I had vacation and application tests for college. And I got into college YYAYYYYY I'MMA BE A TEACHER. Anyway here's another part of that stuff.

Finley POV:

After Ameer and I had that sleepover I got to visit him but this time alone, Daddy wasn't going to come with me. There we got pizza for dinner, but Ameer didn't wait for Uncle Orion to come to the table. "Ameer, you know you have to wait until all sit down at the table to start eating.", he said. "But I was hungry and you always take so damn long to get ready", Ameer replied. After he answered like that, Uncle Orion picked him up and carried him into the corner and told him to stay there. I was begging for him not to punish Ameer, because he can let it slide one time. "He has been acting like that the whole day until you came here, I will not let that slide. Now eat your pizza or you will be in a corner too.", he said. "You can't punish me, you're not my Daddy!", I yelled at him. "Oh that was a bad idea yelling at me, Finley. Get over here now.". After he said that I backed away from him scared because I know that his punishments are much worse then Daddys. While backing away, Uncle Orion came closer and picked me up while already starting to spank me. I begged him to stop and said that I'm sorry and tried squirming out of his grip but he is way too strong.  "You had your chance, Finley. Now stop struggling.", he said. I started crying while he spanked me harder and more often. After 20 spanks he stopped and said, that if I do something like that again I would go home.

After Uncle Orion punished me and Ameer he sent us both straight to bed. There we weren't even allowed to watch a movie, he just said sleep or I would go home. In bed Finley started talking: "I wanna run away with you, I don't want to stay here. Are you coming with me?" "What, are you crazy?? Do you know in how much trouble we will get if they find out?", I replied. "That's the fun part, you never know when you'll get caught." I asked him where he would want to go and he just said somewhere where we both like it. I reluctantly agreed and we started to pack our backpacks and Ameer opened his window. After that he jumped out and at the bottom and said to me to jump too. I quickly grabbed my sloth and my favourite pacifier and jumped after him. At the bottom I let out a scream of pain because I fell over and hurt my foot. Uncle Orion must've heard that because suddenly there was light in Ameers room. He said to run and we both took off into the woods. Uncle Orion sent a huge search party after us but we were too fast and hid in a hole in the ground. After they went away we came out of our hiding spot and made our way through the forest to the nearest city where we got into a small building to sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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