The Dreaming

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A quiet night, about to fall asleep, lying down with my eyes closed, a vision came to me, a new co-worker, a new nurse who had arrived at the hospital, a pretty 23-year-old girl, smiling, blonde, one of those who have dark golden hair and not the classic yellow dyed type, green eyes that narrowed when she smiled, lips Jolie style dark pink, she was very beautiful without makeup, thin, no much breast.

She started working at the beginning of the week on the same floor where I do my internship and she captivated almost all the men who knew her, but not me, because of my very peculiar taste. I was so to speak, I am immune to the charms of conventional attractive women, and this gave me a tactical advantage because I spoke to them in a very normal way, I spoke to them without giving them that feeling that all men emanate around an attractive woman felt, that can be felt, and I am not wanted any sexual thing with her.

But that night, in my dreams something different happened, I have a dream about her, I saw her in my dream, I was about to go out the hospital and suddenly I ask her to help me, and she stand up and go towards me, in my dream she has only one leg, and walk to me with only one crutch, the woman who every man find stunning sexy and I don't, now she appears on my dream dress as a nurse but halloween type, with the classic miniskirt long enough to cover almost her pubis with one leg, the other one was gone, no leg, no stump, like the has a hemipelvectomy or Hip disarticulation amputation, a extreme procedure is performed on some rare occasion were the surgeon removes the leg from the hip, she was a tall blond with one leg amputated, a high amputation the type turns me on the most.

She wing towards me, swinging in one leg, she use the one crutch with high skill with the arm in the same side were she has no leg, she moves in slow motion on my dream, on every step she show a little of her remaining hip below the skirt, the movement moves the fabric and let only to see a glimpse of her missing stump, all this wrapped up with the classic tic tic sound of the metallic crutch, that sound makes me always look and speed my heart with the hope to see a disabled sexy woman was the one doing that sound, some of you know that sensation, the expectation, the possibility of.

She stand near me and smile, the smile I was immune before now framed on the body of a beautiful amputee woman, i melted for a moment, I try to articulate a word but only stutter, she took another step near and say to my ear "I know you want me now" and took my hand with her hand and placed on her naked pelvis and move it around where was the absent trump, and is that exact moment I wake.

I was all sweaty and breathing hard, the sensation of her skin and softness of her amputation on my hand was so real, still breathing hard and I had an uncontrollable desire, I was so hard-on, an erection I could barely contain it in my pajama bottoms, the pression of the fabric provides some satisfying sensation, I stand up feeling this desire, this sensation, this hunger, I don't know if you get me, there is a moments in life were you feel some desire, excitation, but in my case, when I see a woman with crutches or a wheelchair moving around sorting obstacles or simply taking something with her arm stumps, those simple actions are arousing to me, an almost uncontrollable excitation, I call it "The hunger".

On several occasions I felt that Hunger, seeing a woman without an arm walking down the street, the sensation is unique, the expectation. When I have the luck to find a woman like that on the street, I try to reach her and chat with her. I remember one time a beautiful girl dress with a brown palazzo and sleeveless shirt and with an elbow amputation, she carry her bag on her stump, she swayed when she walked in her heels, I follow her, and in the meantime I try to reach her, I have in my mind "I going to say hello, I going to tell her I wanted to know each other, and I think she is the most beautiful woman in the world, maybe she didn't believe me at the beginning, but I going to ask her out to take a coffee, and after a couple of dates she going to realize of my sincere intentions, we can start a relationship this relationship is not going to be sexual at the beginning, but with time and trust, in one point we can become intimate and turn all this in something magical" all those thoughts was around my head at the same time I was walking trying to reach her, at the moment I was on her side I told her "Hey, I hope I don't scare you" although they always startle, I continue " I saw you a couple of times, and I wanted to let you know, you are very attractive to me, and today I found the courage to tell you and I wanted to you know me and yo if it was possible you give me the chance to know you better, this is the first time I do something like this" that last was no true due I have this speech prepare and practice, she smile to me, told me her name and was ok with my idea, she told me, she was married, but was ok to have another friend, we share emails and we each went our own way.

I felt that sensation, that desire, the hunger of touch her, kiss her, kiss and lick her naked stump while she take her clothes off, this feeling did not dissipate until I got home and reñease myself (masturbated), some of you maybe think this is grouse, some of you understand me, but is healthy to masturbate 21 times by month, is the proctologist recommendation for a healthy prostate. After release myself and recover the good sense, I use her email and name in my computer trying to find her social network profiles, sometime I found their profiles almost immediately, other times I look for youtube videos with a woman with the same disability of hers, and use that to release myself and the Hunger was satisfied.

The hunger creates the dream, the dream with the one legged hot blonde nurse, so I was awake, turned on my laptop, look for the blonde nurse social network profile, due her hotness and popularity a lot from work friend her and was so easy to find her iG, I look for a clear picture of her smile, those natural black pink Joline like lips that make me believe her vagina has the same skin color, and those beautiful green eyes, I placed that picture on one side of the screen and in other window I look for a video with a thin hip amputee woman modeling and moving around, I press play and while the video was reproducing on one window I stare the the image of her lips, the images of the screen feed my fantasies, my mind go away, fantasized about hug her, pick her up from the waist to kiss her, kiss her neck, her breast while I help her to take her dress off, leaning her back to my office desk and take her pantis off very easily due her lack of leg and stump and let her vagina expose in all her beauty black pink skin like her lips, I started to make her oral sex, I felt in one of my cheaks her leg an in the other side nothing, and that usense of sensation knowing I cant fel her other lef due she has no other leg make me more exited and explote with pleasure so hard that my body twisted, and then peace.

Close the laptop and pull up the covers, exhausted from satisfying my hunger, but one thing still on my mind, I keep thinking of that blonde nurse, maybe it is time to put more of my attention to her.

the end?

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