Deep Breaths

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Welcome back! Hope you enjoy this story and that you have/had a cool awesome day!

Trans Dan AU cuz no one has done this i think


Today was very fun for Dan. He battled a lot with his fans and friends. It was also quite exhausting. He sighed before entering his house. He opened the door yelling, "Mom, Dad! I'm home!" He waited a few seconds for his parents to enter the living room and walk up to him. His mom gave him a big hug, while his dad asked about his day.

"It... was pretty fun!" Dan said, slightly out of breath. His mom released him from the hug. "Are you alright Danny? You seem kind of out of breath," His mom asked. "I'm fine... just a bit tired from battling!" Dan was telling some of the truth. While he had been battling all day, he was mostly out of breath because he had kept his binder on for over 24 hours now.

His mom nodded. "Well, I hope you get tons of rest so you can have just as much fun tomorrow!" Dan nodded. "I'm going to my room now. Let me know when dinner's ready!" He said as he went into his bedroom. A few minutes later, Dan hears his dad yell, "Dan! Someone's here for you!" Dan had no idea who this could be. Dan came out of his room and looked at the person in the doorway. It was Magnus.

Dan's dad left to give them some space. Magnus still went to Dan's room to have some more privacy. "So, how are you doing?" Dan asked Magnus. "I'm okay," Magnus replied kissing Dan on the cheek. "How are you, Dan?" Magnus asked the boy sitting across from him on the bed. Dan sighed. "A little tired, but I'm doing okay!" Dan grinned at Magnus. Magnus smiled back at him. Then Magnus noticed something. Dan still had his binder on.

"Dan," The older boy looked Dan in the eyes. "How long have you been wearing your binder?" Dan's eyes widened. "U-Um..." Dan said, trying to think of an excuse. "You see, the thing is..." Magnus looked at Dan with a concerned expression. "Dan..." Dan looked away embarrassed. "You should change out of your binder," Magnus said. Dan nodded, but stayed where he was, not moving.

"Dan. You should change out of your binder." Magnus said, a little harsher than the previous time. Magnus realized that he used a harsher tone and tried to soften his voice "I... I really care about you Dan," Dan looked up at him. "And I want you to feel comfortable, I just don't want you harming yourself in the process," Dan sighed. "Okay, I... believe you," Magnus smiled warmly which caused Dan to blush a little bit. "Just... turn away so I can change..." Magnus turned his body to face the door.

After a few minutes, Dan said, "You can look now..." Magnus turned around and looked at his boyfriend. He was now wearing one of Magnus' purple hoodies, which was a little big on him, and some gray sweatpants. Dan glanced at Magnus with a nervous look in his eyes. Magnus stood up and hugged him gently, making sure to not be too tight. Dan hugged him back. When Magnus released Dan from the hug, Magnus said, "Alright Dan, Let's take a few deep breaths,"

Magnus always made Dan do this when he took off his binder. Dan wasn't sure why, maybe it was to help his breathing, but he still went along with it. The two boys breathed in and out in total sync. They did this a few more times before Magnus said it was okay to stop. He then pulled Dan into another hug. Dan smiled at his boyfriend. Magnus smiled back and kissed him. It only lasted for a few seconds, but for Dan, it was one of the best moments of his life. He loved his boyfriend a lot. And his boyfriend loved him too.


Hope you enjoyed lol :3

Word count :639 not including this or intro

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