Chapter 9

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We keep our stare on the phone, frozen not knowing what to do.  "Do you know who this is?"Grayson asks with anticipation in his voice.

I shake my head without looking at him. "Comon lets go." He states as he grabs my hand. We walk through the forest keeping an eye out for anything unusual.

We freeze. We hear footsteps, Leafs cracking, we turn around to come face to face with a dark figure in the pitch black. It was tall , very tall the only reason I could see it was from the moon light. "Run!"I shout as we speed through the forest Grayson still holding onto me. We don't look back, instead we run as fast as we can out of the forest and up the main road. Both of us panting for air obviously tiered but our adrenaline doesn't let us stop.

We run until we reach the front of the school and run past all the buildings and straight through northern hall. Eyes on us all over, they probably thought we're on drugs. As we run through the common run all the girls looking at us weirdly and I notice Haven.

She stands up following us up the stairs. "Wait you guys! What's going on!"she shouts. She follows us up to my dorm as we don't stop.

I unlock the door in a hurry letting them both in and slam the door shut locking it.

"What the fuck was that thing!" I exclaimed looking at Grayson who looks perfectly fine except the fact that he is panting for breath.

"Breathe idiot" I announce.

"Hello? Anyone care to explain?" Haven questions. "Wait did something happen in the woods?"She continues. We both turn to her giving her a look. "What happened!"she announces looking at us with confusion building up inside her.

"We were walking back. from the woods and we heard something and we turned and we fucking saw-"I get cut off. "A bear. It was a bear." Grayson continues over me.

A bear? What is that guy thinking? And why does he want to lie?I turn to him furrowing my eyebrows as I turn back to Haven. "Yeah... it was a bear." I repeat.

"Omg I thought some serial killer was chasing you!"she yells. I give her a slight chuckle finally getting up from the floor I fell onto when I was trying to breathe after running a million miles.

"Haven I think the girls are calling you"I say trying to get her out the room so I can talk to Grayson. She gives me a confused look. "Really? I seriously need to get my hearing checked." She says as she walks out of the dorm shutting the door behind her.

I get up and lock it quickly and turn to Grayson. "A bear? Seriously, a fucking bear! Grayson why would you lie to Haven?" I announce. He goes to speak but I shut him up" wait do you know who that was? Are you covering for them? Are you trying to get me killed?!" I yell. "Oh my god shut the fuck up please. Do you hear yourself? Of course I'm trying to get you killed"he says sarcastically while chuckling.

I roll my eyes at him. "So what i can't tell my best friend what happened?"i ask furious

"Athena , Haven is a good friend not your best friend you've known each other for a month."he says looking back at me.

"What about you? You guys grew up together didn't you?"I ask knowing that him and Chris did in fact grow up together.

"That's me and Chris not me and Haven." He says pretending like it's not the same thing. I raise my eyebrows at him as i scoff. "You're so stupid Everette. " I state back.

He rolls his eyes at me and continues. " no but seriously what was that? It did look like a human."he questions. " it really did. I noticed it was tall though. Wait... do you think it was spying on us the whole day?"I ask.

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