His lover boy/girl/whatever💕

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You open your front door and turn on the light. You just got home from a long day at school and a 5hour shift at work since you do need to pay rent for your apartment. You walk in and toss your bag on the ground while closing and locking your front door "meow" you look around to see where the noise came from and saw your small tabby cat you got last week "What's up c/n?" (cats name) you say crouching down to pet the small cat. You feel a could breeze go past you then you look up to see your window open "I though I closed that widow" you say getting up walking to the window to close the window  "hm weird" you whisper. You turn around to see your bedroom door wide open you walk into your room and see your underwear drawer wide open, you walk to the drawer and sees the underwear you just bought gone. "What the fuck?!" You say almost yelling confused and mildly pissed off  cause whatever was doing this is the reason you always need underwear almost every week.

-Ghost pov-

'fuck that was way to risky' I think while hiding on their balcony I climb down the ladder near their apartment holding a bag once I'm down I start walking down the alley. I put my hand in my pocket while I pull out my phone 'of course what does she want' I thought while answering the call and putting it on speaker "what now you whore." I say harshly and clearly not in the mood "wow is that how you talk to your girlfriend-" she says cocky while laughing a bit "You mean ex girlfriend right cause we haven't been together for 3 years whore." I say taking her off speaker phone while I walk onto the side walk  "c'mon baby boy I know you miss me too." She says trying to flirt "pfft- yeah as if I would never love you again poker." I say still walking home  "baby you know you do its not your fault that you-". I hang up putting my phone back in my pocket. Once I got home I open my front door and walk in looking to my left seeing my younger brother " oh Hey ghost!" He said cleaning up the living room. I toss the second bag I was originally holding to him "Oh thanks bro!" He says cheerfull"No problem Casey" I say smiling while closing and locking the front door.I turn around and walk to my room opening my door and stepping in my room while locking the door. I walk to my closet and open  the door I take out y/n's underwear out of the bag and putting them next to their picture "Oh doll one day I'll have you all to myself and nobody will take you from me~" I whisper will looking at their picture. "One day.."

Well that was a lot and hope you enjoyed this chapter 💕

(502 words)

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