~Meeting for the first time~

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-Y/n pov-

"Beep beep BEEP" I slam my alarm clock to shut it up "yes I know I'm up ugh." I say getting up and stretching almost hitting my arm on my night stand.I get up and while walking I trip and stub my toe on what that's what I wanna know "FUCK!!" I yell while holding my toe in pain waking up my c/n.I get up still in pain but I suck it up and grab my clothes and head to the bathroom to get showered and get ready

1 hour later

"Bye c/n!" I say while blowing a kiss to my cat I close my front door locking it while walking back I bump into some one "oh..SHIT" I say falling "oh fuck I'm sorry here" the person says once I look up I see a tall 17 year old boy I think with long curly hair he had in a ponytail with black hair with a some what light green at the ends. I was just staring but then I snap back into reality and grab his hand, he pulls my hand helping me up and once I'm fully up I get a good look at him "I'm so sorry about that!" The boy says  clearly embarrassed "It's fine." I say still looking at him "oh my bad!" He lets go of my hand "no no your fine." I say "oh sorry again I'm ghost!" He says smiling while holding his hand out for a handshake. I walk away speed walking down the stairs

-Ghost pov- 

'oh..' I thought watching them leave I pick up my bag and walk down the stairs 'why do I feel like shit they didn't walk away on purpose they were just nervous. Right?' I think while I walk out the building heading to school.

-At school😰-

"Ohh baby!!!" Poker says hugging Ghost "For the last time poker were not dating we haven't been together since 2years ago so leave me alone!" I say pushing her off of me. "Heh what are you talking about darling.?" She says smiling. I look at the corner of my eye and I see them. "Heyyy??? Are you not gonna focus on your girlfriend." Poker says. I walk away and walk to y/n "um excues me.?" I say waiting for a response they turn around and look at me for a second"oh um hi?" They said confused "sorry I just wanted to say you look beautiful/handsome." I say lightly blushing trying not to make eye contact 

-Y/n pov-

"Oh thank you." I say mildly confused. He stares at me for a good while it was a bit creepy but then he turned around and walk away. I stare for a while then I look back at my binder in my hands to see a note? I open it and see writing "call me 661-###-###-" signed ghost. I look back up to try and find him but he was gone. "Bell nosies" 'shit I'm gonna be late' I walk to class thinking 'why did he give this to me..?'

-im so tired but I got another chapter done-

- 514words-

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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