Izumi Ouma (Music: They Lookin At Me by Sabrina Carpenter)

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-Izumi POV-

I watched as Ibuki ran out of the room Toko following close behind... 

"I didnt know Toko could run." I heard Kotoko mumble , when she was pic ked up into a hug by a girl. I sigh, and walk away not wanting to be apart of this. I glanced back up to the stage seeing Monokuma was still up there. I walk up and sit down next to him watching the chaos unfold.

"You deal with this often?" I ask the bear.

"Too often" he sighs.

"Pity." I reply.

"HEY WHAT RELATIONS YOU GOT WITH THAT BEAR!?" Someone screamed, making me facepalm.

"Wooowwwww didnt know I wasnt aloud to sit next to this build-a-bear wannabe without getting yelled at!" I said loud enough for him to hear, before mumbling the words "Idiot" the boy marches up to me. 

"TELL ME!" He demands.

sighing I simply say. "I fucked the bear." Witch made Monokuma blush.

"YOU DID WHAT!?" The boy yells.

"...ew..." The girl next to him groans in disgust.

"I would be much better to fuck!" The other girl states.

"Wow... Cant take sarcasm I see?" I said rolling my eyes.

-Author- (Monokuma is a human in this AU i forgot to mention he is just refferred to as a be ar because he looks like one.)

 "Haha- Im Kaito Momota!" The boy says.

 "Miu Iruma!" The blondie states.

 "..." With a death glare the other girl says coldly "Maki Harukawa."

 "Izumi Ouma." I say... Suddenly I feel the bear on my arm. "Get. Off. Me. Now." I say flinging the bear off my arm.

 "Hmph fine." The boy dissapears probably to go pout. And with that I walk away.

"Hey where ya going!?" Kaito asks.

"Somewhe re quieter... Your much to loud." I say as I walk out of the gym.

"Ill check on her" I hear a girl say... I recognized the voice immiedatly and stop dead in my tracks. Popping my head into the gym. And I spot her.

"Kiru-Chan?" I ask. The girl stands there in shock for a but before asking. "How do you know that nickname?" She asks me. "Toko. Me and her were 'like' sisters... She used to know you..." I reply.

"Ah! Yes Toko, whatever became of her?" She asks.

I mouth the words. "Ouma-Kun" before walking away.

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