1 - Battle of Sarrgues

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20 March 2023, 09:02,
Boizonfeld, Nusiare
Palast de la Republik
Secretary of the Republic's Office

All was calm within the confines of the small office. The man within it was sitting on a chair, reviewing the paperworks that had been sent to him containing the reports of what had happened for the past few days.

Taking a sip of his cup of coffee, the bitter yet slightly sweet taste of it felt relieving to him. He took a glance at the window in his room, the skies outside was azure blue with clouds appearing here and there.

It is a calming day as the Secretary of the Republic, Pierre Madritsch, who is the head of government for the Republic of Nusiare. Akin to prime minister in most nations, he is the person in charge of what's happening in the nation.

The President of Nusiare is the head of state. His role being mostly of ceremonial purposes though he does have slight powers within the government, as in appointing the secretaries within the Congress of the Republic --- as adviced by the Council of Nusiare.

Back to the Secretary of the Republic --- also known as the Chief Secretary --- the man was enjoying his morning as usual.

However, he felt something off. As he took another glance at the window, he felt that the skies were... brighter. Getting up from his chair, he made his way closer to the window to see if its just the window being problematic.

Suddenly, within a split second, a luminous flash of light blinded his eyes and caused him to fall down to floor. He was left confused as to what is happening.

Just a minute later while he was recovering from the flash of light, his aide entered the office with a panicked look.

"Chief Secretary, are you alright!?" he asked, his breath is frequent as he ran all the way to this office.

"I'm fine. The question should be what was that light? Are we under attack by anyone?"

"I have yet to receive any reports from other departments but so far, there have been no signs of it being an attack."

"Let's give that the benefit of the doubt. Now, I would want to--" Pierre's words was cut as another person entered the scene.

"Chief Secretary! Sorry to interrupt you but did you see that flash of light earlier?" It was the Secretary of Defence and Territory, Viktor Allemand.

"Yes, in fact I was looking out the window at the time. Do you know what's the cause of it?"

"Not at the moment... but I have a bad feeling about it."

Pierre then decided, "The same can be said for me... It seems like we have to discuss about this matter. Viktor, gather the Council. Whatever that thing was, it's definitely a problem to us all."

"On it, Chief Secretary," Viktor said before going out of the room along with Pierre's aide. Pierre sat back down in his chair, contemplating on what to do. He can already feel that chaos was about to happen as time goes on.

He sighed, calming himself down and tried to be positive about this ordeal, "Hopefully its nothing bad... Hopefully."

--- -- -

Few minutes earlier...
Miramur, Nusiare
South of the town of Sarrgues
TGB Sarrgues Border Entry

Corporal Gervais Vidal was on the lookout today at the border checkpoint between the Republic of Nusiare and the Menierian Republic. To be frank, there was no need to be too tense because both of the nations are on good terms with each other.

However, they are not allies due to Novinae's neutralisitic foreign policy. They have build a sizeable army just in case if anything decided to attack them --- even against major powers.

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