"For Anaya, for us"

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"Ed, we can't just pretend that this isn't a significant issue...".
Gordon and crew make their descent onto the planet's surface.
"It's not an issue". Ed exasperates, giving zero emotion and only looking dead ahead of him. Kelly shifts her head to him, awaiting a better answer than that.
"Ed, we are here for the dysonium. I hope you remember that".
Ed shoots a perplexed look at her. "Oh, now that we had a kid together, me and Teleya's kid no longer matters to you.."?
"Ed! That is NOT what I'm saying! At all! I'm saying that if you know she's here, she has to be alive somehow. Just, let's do what we originally planned and then, we go back for Anaya".
Ed huffs as he and Kelly exit the shuttle. Two of Armandius's guards meet them at the entry point.
"Our Sovereign asks that you hand over the blueprints for authentication".
Ed takes out the schematics on a small device and hands it to them.

"Follow us". They take the blueprints and proceed into the Hightower.

They meet Armandius in the middle of the room, overlooking the beautiful landscape of Rulithia.

"I hope you do not take offense to this measure I have put in place....Unfortunately, I lack trust in your kind, as you are very much deceitful creatures"
"The damn blueprints are real. Give us our dysonium shipments, as promised". Ed demanded irritatedly. Armadius chuckles. "After I have proof of authenticity, you can have anything you want..". His smile turns into a blank expression as he proceeds to look coldly into Ed's raging eyes. He could tell he was eager.
"Why would I put my entire career on the line, to come all the way here with tainted blueprints"?? Ed becomes increasingly frustrated as the thought of Anaya being dead, flooded his mind. All he wanted to do was see her. . Armandius motioned a finger to the left of him and soon after, a servant came with an unconscious body in their arms.

Ed's heartbeat increased in a panic as he saw that the body was indeed, his daughter's.

"I don't know the answer to that question, Admiral Mercer. However, this, creature, crash-landed on our soils yesterday night and we traced the codes she used on her little device, back to you. She even referred to you, as her Father. Maybe this will give you hope of the blueprints being authentic....".

"No....". He looked to Anaya and then back to Armandius, putting plans in motion in his head as to how he was going to rescue her. Kelly slowly grabs onto Ed's arms to stop him from preemptively taking action. "Ed—"
He forces his arms out of Kelly's grip.
"Don't! Bring my daughter into this, alright? The damn blueprints are real, okay?! They're real"! He tries to stay calm, calm as he possibly can, but he assured himself over and over, at this very moment, he will initiate war between Humans and Rulithians, if they even dared to hurt Anaya.

"...and what happens if they aren't? What do you think will happen next"?

Ed's eyes became cold. "I'll kill you..".

The servant places Anaya motionless body in between Armandius and Ed. Shortly after, the analyst emerges from a corridor and stands before them.

"Sovereign, the authentication process is complete..".
"And"? Armandius raises a brow.
"The blueprints are—"

Before the analyst could finish confirming authenticity, Union battle ships began to appear in Rulithian space and soldiers were appearing behind Ed with guns fully armed and ready to fire.

"Captain Admiral Mercer! This is Commander Langston! Evacuate the premises immediately! I repeat! Take your people back to your shuttle and be on your way or you will be considered an enemy and be fired upon on my word"!

The Analyst looked behind him in fear. "The blueprints are, false, your grace.......".
Armandius smiles. "Humans are so, predictable, that it's sad....". He chuckles to himself.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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