Origins Part 1

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"Are you sure you don't want to move back home, Snowflake? I'm sure your brothers wouldn't mind." Her father asked, his eyes filled with concern making the teenage girl turn her gaze from the box in front of her to the laptop screen.

She looked at the man with a smile on her black lips "Really dad?" Her smile slowly turned to a smirk. "Are the boys driving you that crazy?"

"I will never understand how you kept them from killing each other, Tiamat." He said, running a hand through his dark hair.

"And I'll never understand how you kept us all alive to begin with. Lord knows that we came close more then once." Tia remarked, her sapphire eyes dancing with mischief.

As she finishes sorting the silverware her dark obsidian ombre with icy blue fell into her eyes making her growl lightly as she pulled her knee length hair into a braid. She started to place the dishes in a cabbit causing her black off the shoulder top to rise showing her abs.

"Father! I demand to talk to Tia!" Yelled a young male voice off-screen "Back off Demon Spawn!" Shouted two male voices in unison "The three of you need to knock it off." Yelled a fourth voice making Tia raise an eyebrow to the silence that followed.

"Where's Alfred and Terry?" Tia asked, opening a new box which housed her vigilante gear in it.

"Alfred is cooking breakfast and Terry's out with Dana. When's your next photoshoot?" Bruce asked, making Tia look at the calendar she had pinned on the wall.

"Hmm... I don't know. They said they would call me when it was." Tia said.

"Maybe it's with your crush." One male teased, making Tia's face turn red.

"Tim!" Tia moaned, dropping her cloak and making her brothers laugh. Obviously it couldn't be Conner, one he wasn't a model and two he was too busy with M'gann as of late.

"Boys lay off your sister." Bruce ordered.

When her blush finally faded she turned back to the laptop to see the location her father was in changed "Oh I forgot about the time difference. Try not to go too hard on them with training." Tia said, taking her utility belt out as she closed the box with her old equipment.

"Hey are you planning on continuing to do the night gig?" Dick called off screen.

"Nope. The only things I'm going to be doing is modeling, singing, and maybe something else. I'm going to be as normal as possible and try not to use Dragon Slayer Magic or anything else like that unless I have to. I just hope Gotham can survive without Snowstorm. I'll still carry my belt in my Requip space but that's about it." as she said the belt vanished in a flash of light.

Bruce nodded "I respect your decision and I hope you find what you're looking for in Paris." A voice yelled from beyond the screen "That was a foul Todd!"

"Ok well I'll let you go, I have to go get groceries. And dad, try not to run yourself into the ground." Tiamat said.

"I will make sure that he doesn't Mistress Tiamat." Alfred said, coming into view with a tray in hand.


"On that note, have fun and stay safe, okay." Her father said as he ended the call.

She stood up, taking the box with her to place it in the closet for now. Tia sighed, so many boxes and these were just the ones that she brought with her. She walked over to where her black converses were and grabbed her purse before heading out.

"Ok, so the furniture is on the way... I should have enough time left to get groceries," Her stomach growled "And maybe some dinner." She laughed as she walked down the street.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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