Chapter 1

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Keyboard typing

The breathing from my seat-mate seemed too loud.

The sounds of pencils and pens hitting paper as notes are being made.

I need out.

I'm too overwhelmed.

Someone moves in their seat. It sounds too close.

The smell of someone's unwashed PE kit wafts its way around the classroom, but for some reason, I'm the only one who cares.

How many leaves have I taken this week? How many more can I take?

What did the last person who sat here do with this desk? I shouldn't be here. Were they hygienic? The scribbles in the corner look horrible. I need to erase it.

I get up and open the window. A complaint for someone across the room. I pay no attention. I have my own priorities. I apply my hand sanitiser. I don't know if the person who last opened it was hygienic.

The teacher continues on with the math lesson talking about introspectrum or something of the sorts. I've already studied it. I've studied all of it.

I need out.

The bell rings. They need to turn it down.

I pack my things up and walk out to my usual bench in the field. No one disturbs me there.

I take out my sanitising wipes and wipe the area down. You can't trust people these days.

I sit down and place my bag on the bench. I'm afraid bugs may crawl in from the grass.

I place my chicken sandwich in front of me, my toffee popcorn to the upper right of the sandwich, my kit kat, and snickers remain in my bag for later snacking. My water bottle is placed to the left of the sandwich.

I begin to eat as I stare into the field where the rest of the school takes the liberty to have fun. I take my book out and read.

I open my pack of toffee popcorn, and I'm hit with the smell of it immediately. It's one of the only things that make me feel happy and warm. I eat a few before taking a sip of water and then repeating this.

I place the empty packet into the sandwich bag neatly before disposing of it in the bin. I apply my hand sanitiser.

I continue to read.

I hear footsteps approach, and I look at my watch. 20 minutes left of lunch.

"May I sit here?" I hear a deep voice ask

I look up to see a boy, most likely in a grade above mine. He smiles down at me. No one has done that in a while.

Jet black hair put into a bun. Silver rings on his left index and ring finger and on his right index. White cargo pants on with a black turtle neck that sticks to his figure.

"I won't stop you," I reply while looking back down at my book.

I hear him settle down on the bench in front of me.

"My name is Ace." He's trying to spark a conversation.

"Nala," I continue to read, feeling disturbed by the stranger. Well, can you call him a stranger when you know his name?


I was in the canteen eating lunch on a crowded table. It seems I'm already popular.

One of the guys suddenly urged everyone to go on the field, so we all followed. I could only follow until I knew my way around the school, and then I would lead the group. It's only right.

We sat on the field, and the guys chatted as I fixed my hair into a bun. In the corner of my eye, I saw a girl who was by herself reading a book. She was quite the distance away. I'm assuming purposely isolating herself. It intrigued me, so I got up and walked over. I ignored the questions I got from the group as I did.

"May I sit here?" She glanced up at me through the top of her glasses.

She was a beautiful girl. A large afro that looked soft and cared for pulled back with a bandana. A baggy beige hoodie with a zip, white sweatpants, and matching beige Nike trainers and lovely dark skin.

"I won't stop you," She replied brusquelly, concentrating back on her book.

I sat down and observed her for a bit.

"My name is Ace." I introduced wanting to spark up a conversation.

"Nala." She continued to make snappy short sentences. It felt like she wanted me gone, and I was enjoying it.

I felt a grin creep onto my face.

"What book is that?" I ask, wanting to bother her some more.

"The art of reading minds," She replied without shifting her gaze as she continued to read.

Her attitude towards me only made me feel more intrigued by her. I had the urge to win her over and keep her. The urge to make her look at me and no one else. She seemed different, and I wanted to know all the thoughts she had. Little or small. I wanted to know all her secrets. The ones from the past, the ones in the presents, and the ones she'll have in the future.

I play with the ring on my index finger as I continue to look at her.

"What year are you in?"

"First year of uni" She answered my questions without complaining, like she didn't care. I wonder what would happen if I asked more personal questions.

"I'm in my second year. I recently transferred from America. Are you normally by yourself?"

She hummed in response like she was beginning to zone out from the conversation. I had the sudden urge to grab her face and make her face me when she spoke to me. Words were what I wanted her to speak to me with. But I resisted. It takes time to train a pet.

I saw her glance at her watch and then shut her book as she stood up and grabbed her bag. I assume because it's nearing the end of lunch.

"Can you take me to my class?" I ask her. She glanced down at me, like she saw something worthless.

"Your friends who are waiting for you will. Have a lovely day. " She walked off without waiting for my response.

I rest my head on my hand and watch her walk off.

I want her.


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