Chapter 2

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I walk back over to the group at the field with her on my mind. How do I know more about her? How do I make her mine?

My thoughts are interrupted by a hand to my back. "You shouldn't interact with the loner, dude. She's weird. She doesn't like anyone, and no one likes her, so we let her stay by herself, " a random guy from the group says.

How dare such filth insult my little pet. I could snap his arm from where I am, but I need to hold back. I have a reputation to maintain.

I follow the group to my next business lecture, and I sit at the back. I barely need to listen when I have a photographic memory. A quick glance over a textbook gives me nothing less than A*. It also allows me to remember every little detail about my interaction with my little pet.

Shall I call her my kitten? She's fiesty but I'll tame her. One way or another.


A little chuckle leaves my lips, and the people around me look towards me. I pay no attention to them, and they look back to their notes.

I wonder what I'll start with.


I sit in my next psychology lecture, and I have the urge to leave.

An idiot in the back is clicking their pen in frustration or concentration.

Someone tells them to shut up. A fight begins.


The lecturer stops it. We continue with the lesson.

The smell of cheap cologne is blown my way as someone sprays themselves next to the window.


I take my notes, detailed and organised like usual. I expect nothing less of myself. But I also expect more.

The girl who had the confidence to sit next to me steals glances over to my notebook. If she had a single cell in her brain, she would use that tongue of hers to ask to see it. But she doesn't.

The lecturer goes on and on about the topic while i continue making notes. Someone's stupid son decides it's a good idea to shoot a paper ball at me. I hear it coming and move my head slightly, and it hits the girl in front of me. She scowls and looks around at the culprit. The guy tries to look innocent. It doesn't work, and she goes off on him.

So much fucking noise.

I need out.

At some point, the bell rings, and I'm first out like usual after handing in my assignment. The class groans as the lecturer is reminded by me.

Worthless idiots.

I walk out of the campus straight home. I don't stay at the dorms. They're filled with disgusting animals who weren't home trained. No one knows what the previous residents of the dorms were like.

I don't take such risks.

I feel a set of eyes on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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