
462 8 16

Moon: mhh..
Sun: YAY!!
Others: wewewe

Sun's POV:

He was cleaning the Daycare, waiting for Moon to be done charging.

“Hm.. Moon? You done??” he called out to Moon. “I guess I am..” Moon replied.
“Yay!.. what now?.... Can we play something?!?!?” “Sure..” “YAYAYA!!” Sun thinks for a bit. “How about hide and seek??.. I'll be the seeker!!” “Oh.. okay..”

Moon went to find a hiding spot.
“1.. 2.. 3..” Sun began counting. Moon went into a play structure, He hides in one of the slides.
“7.. 8.. 9.... 10!! Ready or not... Here I come!!”
Moon stays quiet and still. Sun looks around in the ball pit, he then looks around until he looks at the play structure.. he giggles.

Moon heard Sun giggle, but Moon stays quiet. Sun goes in the play structure, he crawls around, he then hears Moon's wrist ribbon bell jingle.. he giggles again.

Moon got a bit scared and tried to stay more quiet.

Sun got into the slide and grabbed Moon's wrist. “AAA- oh.. uhm..” Moon blushes from embarrassment. “Awhh.. you looked so scared~ Wanna play something else??” Moon shakes his head no, as he blushes.

“...are you blushing?~” “n- no!” “hmmm~” Sun picks up Moon and gets out of the play structure, He then takes Moon to their room.

Sun then lays Moon on a bean bag. Moon yawns and lays in the bean bag, Sun giggles. “Can I cuddle with you?~” Moon blushes, but nods. Sun picks up Moon again, and sits on the bean bag with Moon clinged to his chest.

mmhh.. your kinda like a blanket, y'know?~" Moon blushes and lays his head on Sun's shoulder. “Mmhh, Your so comfy on my chest~” Moon yawns again. “Your getting tired.. how about you fall asleep right here, on my chest?~” Moon nods and relaxed, slightly and slowly falling asleep. Sun then goes to sleep too.

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