Heat (Shinzawa)

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"So you're telling me, we both got hit with his quirk, had him in custody, and he still got away." The students in question shuffled in embarrassment in front of Aizawa. Except for Bakugo, he glared back with the same ferocity he always had, scoffing at both Aizawa and the other students.

"We're sorry, Sensei," Deku mumbled, stepping forward with his head down, "We won't let it happen again."

"You better not," Aizawa sighed, turning away, "Class dismissed, you will have a sub till this goes away. Come on, Shinsou." Shinsou, the purple-haired teen in question, recently transferred into class 1A followed behind him, having been hit by the quirk of their escaped villain as well. Luckily, only the two of them had been affected, but the quirk had made them grow cat ears and tails.

"You know stuff like this is gonna happen again," Shinsou chuckled, not that phased by what happened, "We're just students after all, and plus, you like cats."

"Yes I know, we're just lucky that it was a gentle quirk rather than something more dangerous."

Shinsou and Aizawa lived together with Eri, a young girl saved from villains, as his unofficial adopted kids. As luck would have it, Eri was staying with Aizawa's friend, Mic, for the next few days so she wouldn't be home to squeal at their current situation. They walked into the apartment that they called home and Aizawa headed for the kitchen.

"Coffee?" He questioned, his cat ears swiveling around to listen for an answer.

"No thanks, I'm gonna go lay down."

Aizawa nodded and poured himself a cup of coffee, placing it in the microwave to warm it up since he'd made it that morning. Everything was a lot louder now with cat-like senses being part of the side effects. He sighed, grabbing the now-warm mug, and sat on the couch in front of the TV. He pressed the power button on the remote, the screen flicking on to an episode of some random show. Aizawa didn't really care, placing his coffee on the floor, he flopped onto the couch and fell asleep within seconds.

Aizawa's ear twitched, his heightened senses picking up on a disturbance in the house. He couldn't quite make out what it was yet but he stretched up and made his way towards where the sound was coming from. It was darker, as night swept across the sky, but the TV illuminated enough that he didn't bother turning on a light. The sounds, he realized, were coming from the direction of Shinsou's room so he headed down the hall to the teen's room, stopping at the door to respect his privacy.

"Shin? You ok in there?" He called, knocking on the wood blocking his view. He could hear panting inside, along with pained straining, making his mind prick with worry.

"I-I'm fine, Sensei," the purplette called back, not sounding fine in the slightest, "Just dealing with something that I think is a side effect of the quirk."

"If it's cause of the quirk, we should take you to the hospital," Aizawa stated, his mind flipping through the possible problems.

"No, n-no. I'm alright," Shinsou huffed, his breathing sounding harsh.

"That's it," Aizawa hissed, "I'm coming in." Hastily, he turned the handle and shoved the door open, ignoring Shinsou's frantic protest, and was greeted with a sweet scent wafting into his nose. In the room, all the lights were shut off and Shinsou was huddled under his covers, his face flushed and dripping with sweat. "What's wrong? Do you have a fever?" Aizawa quizzed, coming over to his bedside.

"No, I'm fine, please get out."

Ignoring him again, Aizawa grabbed the blanket he was hiding under and yanked it off him. Underneath, Shinsou was only half-clothed in his uniform button-down, one hand on his hardened member while the other gripped the sheets beneath him. Precum dripped from his dick, staining the white shirt below, but it didn't look normal. Shinsou's member was covered in, what looked like, tiny barbs, it stretched into a soft point instead of rounding off like a bulb. On top of that, near the base, it seemed to have swelled into a thick knot. The smell Aizawa noticed earlier grew stronger and tickled the back of his throat. Shocked, Aizawa blushed deeply, turning around immediately to leave until he was stopped by Shinsou's voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2023 ⏰

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